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Meet the Candidates events begin

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Cathy Law

16 February 2023, 3:58 AM

Meet the Candidates events begin

With the State Election just around the corner, the first of a series of Meet the Candidate events is being held by the South Precinct in Gerringong tonight.

Each candidate (Gareth Ward, Independent; Katelin McInerney, Labor; and Tonia Gray, The Greens) can give a five minute talk of their choosing on policy followed by five minutes of Q&A. The audience is invited to ask question via submitting them to the Chair.

Thursday 16 February, Gerringong Town Hall, 7.30pm

The Jamberoo Anglican Church, in association with Freedom for Faith (a Christian legal think tank), is holding its own event as part of a network of state-wide church meetings focusing on issues important to Christians. Hosted by Rev Jodie McNeill, candidates will be asked to respond to set questions relating to policies on gambling, scripture in schools, housing, etc, as well as being asked questions from the floor.

For time reasons, Dr Tonia Gray of The Greens wasn’t originally invited to participate in the forum. However, given the small number of candidates for the Seat, an invitation has now been extended and accepted by her.

Tuesday 21 February, Jamberoo Anglican Church, 7pm

Music venue Fillmore’s is hosting a community forum with a focus on supporting the evening economy by helping to implement legislation that supports arts and culture. Candidates will be given five minutes to speak, followed by questions around what can be done to help enliven our towns.

There will also be a presentation by a representative from the Live Music Office.

Thursday 2 March, Fillmore’s (behind Parfait Patisserie on Manning St), 7pm

Minnamurra Progress Association has also continued its tradition of hosting a Meet the Candidates event, dedicating its March meeting to the event.

Each candidate will speak, and then questions submitted by the public will be pulled out of the hat to be asked of them.

Tuesday 7 March, Minnamurra Progress Hall, 7.15pm

With Central Precinct choosing to not hold an event, Kiama Uniting Church is close to finalising a date for its meeting.

The Liberals have still yet to officially declare a candidate, but it is widely understood that Kiama author Gail Morgan will fill the position.