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New Planning & Development Forum

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Cathy Law

07 October 2022, 3:47 AM

New Planning & Development ForumDirector Environmental Services Jessica Rippon with Manager Strategic Planning Edward Paterson

Council is introducing quarterly Planning & Development Forums to keep the community up to date on issues, with the first of them scheduled for 26 October at the Jamberoo School of Arts, 5.30-7pm.

“The forums are being held to inform the community about changes to the planning system, DA process etc,” says Director Environmental Services, Jessica Rippon.

“Council will also continue to engage directly on a variety of specific projects; this is just an additional opportunity to speak face-to-face with our residents and ratepayers and to seek feedback on all things planning.”

The inaugural forum will provide an update and discussion about a number of planning projects currently being developed and finalised.

These include strategic planning initiatives, whose updated status was provided to the September Meeting of Council.

Here is our summary of where they are up to:

Housing Strategy

It is now proposed to complete the Housing Strategy (which was originally expected to be out on exhibition by now) by June 2023.

This project has been delayed by the suspension of the Housing Reference Group, when councillors objected to developers being included. This led to a suspension of most committees, while a standard policy was devised [Council committee structure overhaul recommended].

The draft Committee Policy & Framework recommends forming a Connected & Liveable Community Advisory Committee. Committees like this could establish project references groups, and as such the Connected & Liveable Community Advisory Committee could form a Local Housing Reference Group to provide housing specific expert advice.

In the interim, housing supply feasibility analysis has been undertaken by a consultant and the results of this will be discussed at the Forum.

Updated Development Contribution Plans

Work on the new Development Contribution Plans, which rely on forecasts for likely increases in demand on infrastructure, will rely on this Housing Strategy being completed (June 2023), along with the currently being worked on Kiama Open Space & Recreation Strategy and the completed Kiama Traffic and Parking Study.

The Employment Lands Strategy

This key priority of the 2020 Local Strategic Planning Statement is now not expected to be completed until December 2023.

The Vegetation Study

Close to completion, this is expected to be included in the December business paper. It will enable the updating of the existing Bushfire Prone Land Map, to ensure land use planning decisions are made using current data.

Heritage and Town Centres

With the findings of the Kiama Heritage Review endorsed, and the necessary changes to the LEP in progress, work is now underway on the Jamberoo Heritage Review, following input from the Kiama & District Historical Society.

A report for public exhibition is expected to go to the December Council Meeting.

In Gerringong, both a Heritage Review and a Town Centre Study are about to commence, once a consultant is appointed, with funding provided in the 2022/3 budget.

Rural land use strategy

With the Department of Primary Industries now unlikely to complete its Agricultural Lands Mapping project, Kiama has budgeted to complete its own Rural Landuse Strategy by June 2023.

This work is needed to ensure that agricultural lands are appropriately zoned.

LSPS Review

The later than usual adoption of the Community Strategic Plan, due to the postponed election, has delayed the review of the Local Strategic Planning Statement Review.

It will now be conducted in conjunction with the Local Housing Strategy, as some elements will be transferred to it.

Character Studies

Budgetary and operational constraints have meant this work has not yet been done. It is envisaged this work will now be incorporated into the envisaged Scenic Management Guidelines project.