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Noise to keep conversation going

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Local Contributor

12 December 2024, 12:52 AM

Noise to keep conversation going

Thanks for your reporting on the noise camera trial. I very much hope that this technology can be used in Kiama in the near future.

I live on a main, tourist road and the motorbike / hotted-up car noise is ferocious, especially on the weekends.

Of course, it's a free country and people can ride motorbikes but there are noise regulations for a reason and this should be enforced the same as speeding.

I don't understand the inconsideration of people who modify their bikes to be even louder or rev them in a residential area... for fun??!

Do they assume that the rest of the world loves the obnoxious racket or do they just not care about being a nuisance?

I recently returned home from giving birth to my first newborn and was greeted with the roar of motorbikes blasting into town at 6 am on a Sunday.

I can't stand to be in my own home on a weekend, even when wearing noise-cancelling headphones.

Some of us live with noise sensitivities and can't just pack up and move elsewhere.

I'd love for The Bugle to keep the conversation going on this community issue.

R Rauch