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Open Spaces

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Local Contributor

06 February 2024, 12:42 AM

Open Spaces

It is now 12 years since I came to live in Kiama and to reside in Gainsborough.  One of the joys of living where I do is the generous parks and walkways that make my daily walks so peaceful and enjoyable. That is, until recently. 

Unmowed grass and flourishing weeds are taking over the parklands through lack of maintenance, making it almost impossible to leave the pathway.  It is not only unsightly but is becoming a hazard should one walk off the beaten track.  On a recent early morning walk I espied a large flock of ducks, not on the Gainsborough Chase grassed area but congregated on the basketball court.  I swear they were debating what to do about their home being turned into a jungle!

I understand that Kiama Council is working its way through some financial difficulties that may impact grounds maintenance, however, one only need visit Kiama, just a six minutes’ drive away, to see how discriminatory the Council’s maintenance policy is – picture-book garden beds, manicured lawns, not a rogue blade of grass peeping out anywhere.  

This really isn’t good enough. We should not be made to feel second-class citizens, nor should we feel ashamed to take visitors through our once beautiful parklands. 

I implore Council to review the situation and implement an even-handed approach to the maintenance of all community open spaces.

Wendy Macdonald