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Our local federal member- Rodger

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Local Contributor

23 October 2023, 10:13 PM

Our local federal member- Rodger


I readily acknowledge the good work that Ms Phillips does for her electorate. 

However, my numerous attempts to determine her views about federal issues have been met with a stone wall.

Specifically, I sought to understand her views about the recent Qantas Airlines fiasco.

In particular, the perception that our Prime Minister and his Minister for Transport were being unduly influenced by that business at the expense of a more competitive airline industry and lower airfares. 

In reply I was whitewashed with a reply about a forthcoming White Paper on the industry. My subsequent attempt to gain her views was ignored. I can only surmise that party loyalty is more important than communication with her community.

Our precious democracy would be so much better served if our politicians were to be transparent in relation to their position on both local and federal issues of interest to their electorate. The Teals have shown the way on this. We can only hope for this trend to be contagious or for more independents to emerge with the promise of transparency and direct communication.

R Collins AM