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Pre demolition check not undertaken?

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Local Contributor

24 March 2024, 9:53 PM

Pre demolition check not undertaken?


Having read the article regarding Kiama Council's donation of $370,000 to help build Gerringong Surf Club, I find it strange that a full pre demolition check of the old surf club did not find there was a significant amount of hazardous waste in a building of that era.

Worse still, during the demolition, members of the public were drinking coffee only 5-10 meters away totally unaware they were in danger. Now Kiama Council has come up with a bail-out payment.

The Council have their priorities wrong. Back in August 2020 Gerringong experienced a significant flood where a number of homes were inundated and uninhabitable.

A flood mitigation study was undertaken by Council in 2022 which found major work needed to be done to alleviate the problem.

When residents try to get answers from Council as to when the work will be undertaken, we are met with " it's not in the budget ".

There are family homes in danger every time we have a significant rain event. Yet Council can find $370,000 to help build a new surf club.

I ask you which is more important?


David Mouat Gerringong resident and rate payer