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Protecting the word Anzac

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Local Contributor

08 May 2024, 10:30 PM

Protecting the word Anzac

I really enjoy reading your regular newspaper. I was however, a little horrified to see in the most recent edition on ANZAC Day the famous Australian and New Zealander biscuits referred to as ‘cookies’ on page 25. While I’m sure not deliberate, it is saddening to see that such an Americanisation is so ingrained into some writing that neither writer nor editor thought it was a problem when reporting on this most Australian of days. 

This term is actually protected by Australian law and has been since 1921. Anzac biscuits must always be called such and so they should be. 

Hopefully in the future such American language won’t creep any further into your wonderful publication, particularly when reporting on Australian events. And perhaps we can protect our Australian language and key cultural events for a little longer.

Protecting the word ‘Anzac’:

Please keep up your great work

Kind regards
