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Public exhibition of DDFSS

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Local Contributor

08 July 2024, 1:29 AM

Public exhibition of DDFSS

I read Malcolm King's piece on this topic on page 28 of the latest issue of The Bugle.

It would have been extremely useful to have included that the Public Exhibition of the DDFSS runs until 5pm on Friday 21 July, less than a week after the next issue date of The Bugle.

Council has indicated that the feedback provided by the public will be considered and incorporated where relevant in the final DFSS which will go to a Council Meeting for endorsement. It had been, mooted that this matter could be on the agenda of the first meeting of the new Council in October, and I expressed my concerns to Mayor Neil Reilly. re this timetable.

In my own detailed submission to Council, I expressed extremely serious concerns re Action Point 3 on page 28, and Action Point 1 on age 29 of the Draft DFSS document. That said, I do acknowledge some very positive elements within the document.

It would be extremely useful if The Bugle could have an APP/ article on this matter, given the deadline date and the need for an appropriate period of time to develop a final DFSS to go to the new Council for endorsement, preferably after its first meeting.


Gordon Bell