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Quicker test result turnaround

The Bugle App

Jack Wallner

09 September 2021, 6:18 AM

Quicker test result turnaround

People who have a COVID test at Laverty Pathology in Kiama will now only have to wait 24-48 hours to receive their test results, a great improvement on the many days it was taking up til now.

Last month Member for Kiama Gareth Ward wrote to Illawarra-Shoalhaven Health District (ISLHD) regarding concerns about delays in obtaining test results.

In response, ISLHD Chief Executive Margot Mains has confirmed the test results have returned to the standard turnaround period after statewide system issues were addressed.

“The District has been in discussions with the management of Laverty Pathology and have been assured that the system issues impacting on their result turnaround times have been addressed and have now returned to the standard 24-48 hour turnaround,” she said.

“We will continue to monitor these turnaround times.”

The District is also currently utilising additional private pathology providers to prevent further backlog of COVID test results, and has a number of alternative COVID testing clinics in close proximity to Kiama.