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RE: Allan Holder (letter 18 May)

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

22 May 2024, 5:43 AM

RE: Allan Holder (letter 18 May)

Hear Hear Allan Holder! (letter 18 May)- yes the ongoing KMC financial mess has been smoke (mostly) and mirrors to us lowly ratepowers from "our" present Council, some of who were there when "we" got in this mess- you can only guess why the sale of Boniara is being dragged out I am guessing that nobody wants it at the mooted price .... of course it would be PR spin commercial in confidence.... and they are going to have to virtually give it away to get it off the KMC books. Anyway i know the Council is busy with more important matters ... like ridiculously penalising Cr. Renkema-Lang for not falling into a nice quiet line and shamefully, as an elected representative of the ratepayers of Kiama, rightly expressing her thoughts about the whole mess!

Bill Potts