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Recognition for Jamberoo RFS members

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

17 October 2022, 6:59 AM

Recognition for Jamberoo RFS membersJohn Downes receives his medal for outstanding service over 57 years

Members of the Jamberoo RFS, their families and community supporters gathered together yesterday to give official recognition to the service of their members.

“It is right for us to recognise all those who have served our community through the Rural Fire Service,” said the brigade President, Jodie McNeill, in a speech emphasizing that the volunteers don’t do it for the medals.

“Some of them will have a medal pinned to their shirt, but their medal is shared with their family members who also wake up to the pager, and who can’t quite sleep until their loved one is safely home.

“And it’s shared by the rest of the brigade who maintain the trucks and the station, and who raise funds and communicate with the community, and who cater for our meals, and manage the administration, and train us in our skills, and all those other things that people rarely see.”

The ceremony was an opportunity for Deputy Commissioner Kyle Stewart to present John (Mumbles) Downes with a Commissioner’s Commendation for Outstanding Service, a rare honour bestowed on him earlier in the year for his dedication over 57 years of service.

Many spoke of his importance as a leader and mentor over the years, and the breadth of his experience and preparedness to keep lending a hand. His family have followed in his footsteps, with three generations now involved with the brigade.

The Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips; the Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward; and Mayor Neil Reilly attended the service, which also saw the following National Emergency Medals presented to brigade members who served in the Black Summer fires and long service recognized:

National Medal Citation:

Craig Harris (35 years of service)

Long Service Award:

Bruce Grant (30 years of service)

Bill McParland (30 years of service)

Hannah McInerney (10 years of service)


National Emergency Medal:

Tracey Allen

Gerard Blunden*

David Brennan

Lindsay ‘Mongo’ Delamont*

Sam Di Domizio*

Brian Dixon 

Craig Downes

John Friedmann

Bruce Grant 

Wayne Grey

Donna Loveday*

Steven McCure

Hannah McInerney

Jodie McNeill

Andy Mullan

Aidan Sibrava 

Toby Streamer*

John Temlett

Peter Willims

* Not present/awarded on the day