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Reinvigorating the Kiama Jazz & Blues Club

The Bugle App

Jack Wallner

25 July 2022, 2:58 AM

Reinvigorating the Kiama Jazz & Blues ClubThis year's Festival introduced festival hubs, like the one at Burnetts

With preparations now starting for next year’s Kiama Jazz and Blues Festival (KJBF), the Kiama Jazz and Blues Club is looking to reinvigorate by organising regular gatherings for music loving locals who are keen to get together, talk and share ideas.

“After three years of pandemic proportions the KJBF is restarting its social side of the 'club' with the first gathering at Fillmore’s next Friday (29 July),” says Club President, Becky Guggisberg.

“Kiama has notably changed and in many ways feels more disconnected than ever.

“This is an invitation to strengthen and unite the arts community and an opportunity to make new friends.”

Some of these people may be interested in helping to run the Festival, or get involved with other options to activate Kiama’s outdoor spaces with music and arts events.

“Amazingly the annual KJBF has been able to go ahead every year despite fires, floods, health restrictions and a limited budget,” says Becky.

“Entering its 36th year in 2023, we are hoping to encourage those who absolutely love this beast to join the team in any capacity. 

“We are open to ideas and are enthusiastically upholding the integrity of this much loved event.

The final concert of this year's Festival, at the Pavilion

“Although the Music in the Park program has been defunded, we have alternative plans for outdoor music and arts events in the springtime and a hope to activate an arts precinct.”

After the initial gathering on Friday, the Club is planning to have monthly meetings. Becky says the meetings, which will be lowkey, are not a commitment but just a way to bring people together that are interested in the wellbeing of the community. 

“All are welcome to attend the Friday gatherings - bring your ideas and sense of fun,” she says.

“There will be no hard sales or memberships, just a willingness to proudly encourage the arts, community and connection in our township.”

The first meeting will be held on Friday 29 July at Finding Fillmore’s (Unit 3/38-40 Manning St, Kiama) from 6pm.

For more info, email Becky at [email protected]