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Saltwater shock loss

The Bugle App

The Bugle

06 March 2024, 11:54 PM

Saltwater shock loss

The Saltwater Kiama family is mourning the sudden loss of Jason Orange, their talented chef and dear friend, who passed away on Tuesday, 5 March. 


"Jason was the rock who supported us from the beginning, staying on in the kitchen when we took over the cafe in May 2021, and easing our entry into the community", says owner Gülçin Töpel.


Jason’s contribution to Saltwater’s success is measured in the thousands of customers who enjoyed and praised his food, especially the many who made a point of visiting the kitchen to thank him.


His daughter, Annalyce Orange, has set up a GoFundMe appeal to raise money for his funeral, to help family, friends and colleagues give him a fitting send off.

Please follow the link below to donate in Jason’s memory.


All who knew Jason through Saltwater will no doubt share and understand the loss. The staff are struggling with grief with this unexpected loss, so please forgive them if their trading hours are shorter and their faces not as cheerful as you’ve come to expect.


For those who wish to pay their respects to Jason, we will post details of the funeral service as soon as we receive them.