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Saudi Arabia

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

09 October 2023, 12:50 AM

Saudi Arabia

Greetings from Shaqraa, Saudi Arabia! As most people do, I started my adventure to Saudi Arabia in the capital, Riyadh. Leaving there after a few days, I began hitchhiking north, towards the city of Shaqraa.

Saudi Arabians are incredibly hospitable, welcoming, generous and friendly. Within minutes I had a lift part-way towards my destination. My third lift that day was an Arab dressed in the traditional style (see photo). While his English was poor, after the usual initial questions about my name and country, he then invited me to his home for traditional Arabian tea, coffee and dates, served by his wife and daughter.

All the while in his car he was on the phone, with the name 'Australia' frequently mentioned. Little did I realise that he was organising with his closest fellow tribesmen a dinner in my honour! After driving me around to photograph all the places on my list, we ended up at a friend's date farm, where I was surprised to see several other men already waiting for us.

On our arrival, they all stood up, and I went around the circle shaking each hand and introducing myself. With every late arrival, the same procedure occurred, except their friends received either three cheek kisses, or rubbed noses. It wasn't till later I found out that only Saudi men who are very close friends greet one another by touching noses. This indicates trust, intimacy and respect in the friendship. It is not performed unless people are deeply loyal to one another.

One of the men took this photo with my phone, to preserve what is a very fond memory of my introduction to Saudi hospitality. The subsequent dinner, served in a nearby room while seated cross-legged on the carpet, was boiled camel, yellow rice and some leafy vegetable. Food is eaten with the hand, but only the right hand must be used.

