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Shine a light

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

17 July 2024, 1:12 AM

Shine a light

Dear Bugle- always look forward to your balanced coverage about what is happening around the place- god knows what KMC would be up to if we did not have you to shine a bit of light on things- they dont seem to care anyway! have been laughing out loud .... and shaking my head when reading the issue this morning- WTH is going on .... again! .... dodgy stuff bout blue haven terralong st, leakings of ICAC referrals, more $ legal costs no doubt etc .... and thats ignoring the "confidential" smoke and mirrors around the supposed sale/giveaway of BH Boniara - as usual its reading like a mix between a soap opera (a poor one at that) and a 3 Stooges episode (sorry to insult the 3 Stooges)- cant believe that they have dodged an apppointed Administrator over ALL THIS TIME!!!- yes i agree THE LOT NEED TO RESIGN - keep up your good work- cheers

P. Potts.