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Sporting heroes' memorabilia supports clubhouse upgrade

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Perrie Croshaw

10 January 2023, 12:12 AM

Sporting heroes' memorabilia supports clubhouse upgradeJohn Trevenar with Sally Fitzgibbon's board

An online sporting memorabilia fundraising auction has started to raise money for upgrades at Gerry Emery Oval in Gerringong, with local sporting legends and the Socceroos supporting the cause through their donations.

The auction on is for:

  • one of only 100 Socceroos team shirts signed by all of the team who competed in the 2022 World Cup held in Qatar
  • Mick Cronin’s State of Origin shirt from 1983
  • a signed surfboard used by Gerroa’s world pro surfer, Sally Fitzgibbons
  • a hockey stick from Gerringong’s own Hockeyroo Grace Stewart.

John Trevenar, who built the original clubhouse 22 years ago and who is a life member of soccer club the Gerringong Breakers, initiated this upgrade project.

In May 2021 when the grounds were very wet, he asked some women where they were getting changed and they said in their cars or behind the trees.

The field gets used everyday of the year, and John says one day he counted 232 females playing, plus family watching.

“That’s just not good enough,” he said. “We only had 4 toilets for women and one of them didn’t work.”

So he drew up clubhouse designs to be more inclusive and has worked on this project now for over 19 months, with the DA recently approved.

The Socceroos' jersey is one of only 100 signed by the whole team

The upgrade include larger women’s change rooms, 16 female toilets, 11 male toilets, a disabled referees’ room, a referees’ room, an assessible elevator and disabled unisex toilet upstairs.

“These fields mean a lot to me and it’s something I’m proud to have done for the community. This next project is all about fundraising,” says John.

He is hoping to raise $1.3m for the build, from State and Federal grant programs as well as community donations.

As well as the auction, there is a Buy a Brick program (Gerry Emery fundraising begins).

“We are still looking for major sponsors,” John says, “We already have two people who have donated $10,000 and multiple people who have donated $5000.”

The Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward, Mayor Neil Reilly and Councillors Kathy Rice and Stuart Larkin were at the auction launch to support the fundraising effort.

Mr Ward said there were a number of sources of funding available for such upgrades, “"It’s important to see greater equity for women in sport and an upgrade to the facilities that are provided so that everyone can participate in sport. 

Councillors Larkins, Rice and Reilly, and Gareth Ward MP inspect Sally's board

"We have seen great successes around the world as a result of the efforts of the Australian soccer team and the Soceroos. There's no reason why women in our local community shouldn't aspire to this same level of success."

“This project is a real credit to John who faced not only bureaucratic obstacles but also personal health obstacles,” said the Mayor.

“He’s managed to engender a lot of support from the community. People know that sport has to change and needs to be much more inclusive and what he’s doing is certainly in the right direction.”

Councillor Kathy Rice agreed and said that women and people with disabilities will benefit enormously from this upgrade, while Councillor Stuart Larkins says he is ecstatic about this facility, including its provision of storage.

“Council will be looking at upgrading other sporting facilities in the LGA,” he said.

View and bid on the items in the Sports Memorabilia section of

Auction ends 1 February, 7.30pm