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Stevie's Grief Journal goes places

The Bugle App

Cassandra Zaucer

13 June 2023, 1:48 AM

Stevie's Grief Journal goes placesStevie with her new Grief Journal, in honor of her sister Libby

It’s been over 2 ½ years since 19-year-old Libby Ruge’s life was cut short by an out of control car, but her legacy is ongoing [Libby's legacy of smiles].

Libby’s older sister, Stevie Shanahan, is sending her legacy around the globe while helping others battle the pain of grief, with a guided grief journal.

“After I lost Libby, I was desperate for anything that might help me,” Stevie says.

“I started a TikTok page as an outlet which gained a lot of followers very quickly and I had people messaging me daily saying ‘your page helps me so much’ and ‘thank you, I feel less alone’.

“So, I started thinking of more ways I could help these people.”

Stevie has self-published Life After Losing You which guides people through the seven stages of grief – including shock, anger, denial and depression – with writing prompts and activities.

“Grief isn’t linear, so the idea is to use the chapters as you need them,” Stevie says.

Libby and Stevie

The journal provides different coping strategies, grounding exercises and distractions while offering a safe space for people to express their intimate emotions and thoughts around grief.

Within the first four days of publishing the book, it was sent across the globe to six countries.

“Libby’s photo is in the first few pages, so I feel like she still gets to travel the world.

“She’s gone to so many different countries already including America, Canada, the UK, Belgium and Germany,” Stevie says.

It’s a bittersweet feeling for her, using a tragic moment in her life to help others.

“If I can help just one other person, then I know I’m making my sister proud.”

It adds to the long list of people that Libby’s legacy has already helped.

As an aspiring dentist who wanted to change people’s lives through their smile, Libby’s parents Jules and Julie set up the Libby Ruge Smile Fund on her passing to do it for her.

The Fund provides young adults access to orthodontic treatment that they or their families cannot afford. The charity is currently helping five recipients with another three coming on board this year.

Jorja, Libby’s best friend, was the first recipient and has finished her treatment with a brand-new smile.

It’s fundraised by the Bee Kind Like Libby movement, which was inspired by Libby’s “Bee Kind” tattoo and her kindness to everyone.

The movement encourages people to do random acts of kindness while raising awareness for the Smile Fund.

The annual Spring Black Tie Ball is returning in October at Novotel, Wollongong, after its inaugural event last year which pulled in just shy of $40,000 for the Smile Fund.

Buy tickets to the Ball via

Buy Life After Losing You via

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