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The Bugle View - For our community

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The Bugle

14 September 2023, 1:08 AM

The Bugle View - For our community

When we started this column back in May, we did so for a simple reason. 

We wanted to drive a new conversation about Kiama’s future – a big, bold, inclusive conversation about making our part of the world the best place to live, work, and raise a family. 

And, as part of this conversation, we wanted to elevate the voices of average Mums and Dads, key workers, renters, young adults, and small business owners – the people who make our community tick, but don’t always have their voices heard on issues that matter.

That’s why it was so pleasing to see the extraordinary response to the last edition of The Bugle’s View, on the Federal Government’s new proposal to establish an offshore wind zone off the coast of the Illawarra. 

We were overwhelmed by the number of letters we received from loyal readers; a dozen of which were showcased in Mark Whalan’s article earlier this week. 

Two of the best came from Howard H Jones and Kiama local Christine Meyer. 

Howard is in favour of the project. He wrote to us about the role it could play in fighting climate change: 

“..we can play a role in the amelioration of this human generated threat and, provided the visual impacts are within reason, get behind this proposal and be part of the climate change solution.” 

Christine isn’t in favour of the project. She wrote to us about potential negative impacts on the local environment: 

“…I am concerned for the environment of whales, fish and birds’ safety…also turning our picturesque coastline into an eyesore. We moved here for the beauty and peaceful lifestyle that we currently enjoy.” 

While some correspondents agreed with Howard, and some agreed with Christine – all of them were thoughtful, well-informed, and passionate. 

Another common theme was – whether they agree with the proposal or not – locals want what’s right for the area. They want policymakers and decision makers to take notice and listen. This is a good thing. 

Because our call-out for feedback on this issue was so successful, The Bugle plans to seek our readers’ views again, on matters of local importance. 

It's our very strong view that debate, deliberation and (respectful) disagreement leads to better outcomes for all of us. 

And we’re committed to facilitating this discussion because there is one thing that should not be taken for granted: our community.