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The Pines recognised for their sustainability efforts

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

18 October 2022, 1:56 AM

The Pines recognised for their sustainability effortsKel and Mahlah with some of their herd

The multi-pronged efforts of Mahlah and Kel Grey in championing sustainable and regenerative practices while they grow The Pines Kiama have been recognised at the Illawarra Business Awards with the 2022 Excellence in Sustainability Award.

“Over the last seven years, we have continued to work on our biggest asset, which is soil. The ability to draw down carbon and store it in soil has been our biggest area of improvement,” says Mahlah.

“By removing synthetic fertilisers and chemical inputs, replacing them with biodynamic composts and organic fertiliser we have not only saved money but provided bio-available nutrients that can be sprayed back over the pasture. This allows for a healthier plant, increased photosynthesis, deeper root systems and high carbon sequestration.”

Amongst the many sustainability measures that have been introduced is installing (through a grant) 60kw solar and 60kw battery systems, allowing them to generate and store energy on farm, and trade any excess.

“The savings are immense, more so that in adverse weather events (as we keep experiencing) as we have no more power interruption on farm,” says Mahlah.

Drought proofing the farm is the next major initiative, with a series of dams designed to hold nine gigalitres of water.

By improving the pasture, they have not only stopped using fertiliser but stopped feeding grain, both of which had substantial costs.

“By being adaptable and open to new ideas we have sought to restore balance in the ecosystem - when a system is working with nature we have higher yields, less overheads, and happier animals and farmers in general,” says Mahlah.

In recent years, having established their gelato and milk business (and producing three daughters), they’ve also developed a cross breed cow – with both dairy and beef traits – that has enabled them to add The Pines Regenerative Beef Range to their offering; opened The Pines Pantry to promote local food in the area; developed into an award winning cheesemakers; and showcased their product and beliefs at national events.

For the future, Mahlah and Kel are keen for their seventh generation farm to participate in the recently expanded range of farm gate activities.

“This is an incredibly exciting opportunity that will allow us to engage with various interested groups in on farm experiences. We genuinely believe being on the land first hand is an incredible powerful experience for learning and connection to land.”

Mahlah is also keen for people to see sustainability as an ongoing process that builds on incremental changes, rather than one gigantic step. 

“It is achievable across all sort of different businesses. We didn’t just stop being a conventional farm and start regenerative farming. There was a long series of changes that occurred to head in that direction.

“There are so many people doing different types of things in the sustainability space and they all need to be celebrated.”

The Pines will now be a finalist in the State Business Awards.