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The problem with tearing others down in campaigns

The Bugle App

Lynne Strong

08 September 2024, 1:02 AM

The problem with tearing others down in campaigns


In elections, candidates should focus on their plans and ideas for improving the community. Yet, too often, we see campaigns that rely on tearing down opponents rather than addressing the real issues. This tactic is troubling because it distracts from what truly matters and raises questions about the integrity of those who use it.

When a candidate focuses on discrediting others, it often suggests they don’t have the substance to stand on their own. A campaign built on attacking opponents rather than promoting solutions is not about leadership—it's about avoiding real conversations and undermining trust in the democratic process.

Disparaging others does more than just hurt those targeted; it diminishes the quality of debate and leaves voters with less information about what each candidate actually stands for. Leadership is about addressing issues head-on, offering solutions, and demonstrating the ability to move a community forward. Personal attacks achieve none of that.

As we head into the election, let’s focus on candidates who talk about what they will do for the community, not those who spend their time criticising others. After all, real leadership comes from a place of vision and integrity, not from tearing others down.