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To the kind strangers of Saddleback Mountain

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

01 November 2023, 11:28 PM

To the kind strangers of Saddleback Mountain

The Kindness of Strangers I would like to thank the anonymous Colleen from Old Saddleback Road who helped me one night when I was visiting Kiama.

The kind and wonderfully caring Colleen showed such compassion and sensitivity towards me. 

She comforted me with her calm and self assured voice and offered me the use of her phone and walked me some distance in the dark. 

A nearby resident of Saddleback Road also showed such kindness when he also came out of his house to offer me water and assistance. 

This touching and heart warming experience has left me with such appreciation and admiration for the kindness of these people in the Kiama community. 

Thank you Name withheld for privacy.