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'Unforgettable Cake' tackles cognitive decline with a sweet twist

The Bugle App

Donna Portland

29 November 2023, 2:40 AM

'Unforgettable Cake' tackles cognitive decline with a sweet twist

UNSW experts Professor Johannes le Coutre and Professor Kaarin Anstey have collaborated with Meals on Wheels NSW to create a unique cake named 'The Unforgettable Cake' to raise awareness of cognitive decline among seniors. Crafted by master pastry chef Christopher Thé, this brain-friendly treat aims to shed light on the importance of nutrition in cognitive health.

Using his background in food and nutrition science to help conceptualise a cake was new territory for Professor le Coutre. “When I was first approached about this project, I was intrigued by the challenge of creating a cake which may be beneficial to cognition, using ingredients from different food groups, while also providing an experience for Meals on Wheels customers,” he says.

Along with Meals on Wheels and a team of specialists, Professor le Coutre had to consider both ingredients and texture - including how to minimise sugar, and how to ensure the cake’s texture was suitable for individuals who suffer from dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, which is a concern for some older Australians.

“Using the currently available scientific evidence, we came up with a list of foods that are understood to provide quality nutrition - which is really important as we age - while still allowing for the nostalgic enjoyment of eating a slice of cake,” he reveals.

'The Unforgettable Cake' features natural ingredients known for their cognitive benefits, such as beetroot, spinach, turmeric, olive oil and blueberries. It was developed by master pastry chef Christopher Thé, founder of the famous ‘strawberry watermelon cake’ from Black Star Pastry, with advice from a group of experts.

The cake also includes natural sweeteners like honey, which has anti-inflammatory qualities and vanilla ermine frosting, a universally-loved cake flavour. To finish, the cake was topped off with fresh blueberries, which are loaded with essential nutrients such as polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese and phytonutrients which help to stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen in the brain.

Christopher Thé now runs Hearthe, a cake store and café in Stanmore, Sydney and says the project prompted him to really think about what can be considered ‘brain food’. “When we started out, I wasn’t prepared to guess what foods are actually brain-friendly, and there was a lot of discussion with the nutritionists and dietitians to come up with a cohesive list of ingredients that could be good for people facing cognitive decline,” he says, adding that “Great food is simple at its heart, and our final cake has a broad appeal, with a practical texture.”

Johannes le Coutre, Christopher Thé, Patricia Pickering, and Margaret Lea by Common Ventures

The team really stressed it should be eaten like a traditional cake - even though it has unexpected ingredients such as spinach, beetroot and turmeric. Mr Thé says “I hope that customers feel a sense of celebration and nostalgia when tasting it, while their interest is also piqued by the complexity of the native ingredients.”

Meals on Wheels NSW CEO, Les MacDonald, emphasised the importance of a healthy diet for cognitive health and provides an opportunity to bring attention to an issue that is endemic within the community saying, “As we mark our 70th anniversary, we thought it would be timely to have a meaningful conversation about the serious issue of cognitive decline, which includes dementia and Alzheimer’s, and impacts many Meals on Wheels clients and families within our community.”

The Unforgettable Cake will be delivered to select Meals on Wheels clients from Wednesday 22 November.