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Update: Crooked River given all clear after reported spill

The Bugle App

Brendon Foye

01 December 2023, 4:56 AM

Update: Crooked River given all clear after reported spill

Update: Kiama Council's Environmental Officers have given the all clear for the water quality at the mouth of the Crooked River at Seven Mile Beach following a reported spill at a nearby construction site on Friday 1 December 2023.

The original article is archived below:

Kiama Council has warned swimmers to stay away from the mouth of the Crooked River at the northern end of Seven Mile Beach in Gerroa due to a spill.

Council’s officers inspected a nearby construction site it believes to be the source of the spill. Officers are still on site dealing with the situation, which includes testing the spill to determine what it actually is.

A Kiama Council spokesperson said it was unlikely to be a serious contaminant based on early tests, but it will take time until officers are sure of what it is. Until then, Visitors are warned not to swim or wade through the water at the mouth of the river until further notice.

There’s currently no signage warning swimmers of the spill. The Bugle visited the site to investigate and warned several families swimming in the area of the danger.

More to come.