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Uprooting plants necessary?

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Local Contributor

13 March 2024, 2:24 AM

Uprooting plants necessary?

There seems to be some sort of weird obsession in Kiama with uprooting perfectly nice plants from the garden beds around Terralong street and replacing them. Why is this necessary?

I’ve been watching this for a while and it has started to bother me. The time that I really started to notice it was when the garden bed out the front of Stocked and Dominoes was replanted for what appeared to be no good reason! The plants that had previously occupied the bed had been growing for a few months and had started to flower. Then all of a sudden they were being ripped out and stuffed into garbage bags to make way for new (very similar) plants. I don’t get it. This seems like a huge waste of money and resources for a council that is trying desperately to save on both. 

Maybe other people feel the same? I would be interested in seeing native planting along the Main Street. We could still enjoy flowers when in bloom and save a lot of water. I’m sure the native birds and insects would also appreciate this. 

Thank you, 

Alexandria Jones