Lynne Strong
13 February 2025, 5:00 AM
Was it protesters or bored kids who grabbed a can of black spray paint and went to town on a real estate sign on Fountaindale Rd.
The agent’s name, the sale details; gone. But the glossy pictures? Still there, peeking through the mess. Was it a statement, or just a half-baked act of vandalism?
If it were a farm being sold off, you could guess at a motive. Frustration over disappearing green space, resentment at big money snapping up land. But this is just an acre block – hardly the frontline of a development war.
So what was the point?
Maybe someone saw it as another step towards change they don’t like. Maybe they’re tired of seeing signs pop up, marking another sale, another new neighbour.
Or maybe – and let’s be honest, this seems likely – it was just kids with nothing better to do. A can of spray paint, a late-night wander, and a sign standing there like an open invitation.
Either way, it won’t change a thing. The house will still sell. The land will still change hands. Another sign will go up.
And whoever did this? They’ll move on, whether to their next act of defiance or their next act of mindless destruction.