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Way forward for Akuna St and Attunga Ave

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Cathy Law

13 April 2021, 8:33 PM

Way forward for Akuna St and Attunga Ave

At last night's Extraordinary Meeting, Kiama Council decided how to proceed with its Akuna Street site and listened to residents' appeals to keep 85 Attunga Ave as community land.

In a five to four decision (for: Reilly, Honey, Sloan, Rice, Westhoff; against: Steel, Brown, Watson and Way), it was decided that Council:

1. Complete the Town Centre Development Control Plan which will include site specific controls for the Akuna Street site prior to undertaking any further work or negotiations relating to the sale of the property.

2. Continue to develop a masterplan for the Akuna Street site which includes options for a supermarket, open space, residential and commercial uses including parking.

3. Confirm that any potential future sale of this site is to be undertaken within a competitive tender process. This is to allow for due diligence, probity and conflicts of interest to be appropriately managed and ensures that the highest value and best use of the property will be maintained.

4. Investigate the development of appropriate covenants and documentation required, including an appropriate policy for any potential future sale of this and other sites, following the finalisation of required planning controls. 

The Bugle will report further on this as more information comes to hand.

The decision to keep 85 Attunga Ave as community land was greeted with cheers from the residents of Kiama Heights, gathered in the lobby outside the meeting chamber.