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We, as in me? -Bill

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Local Contributor

17 October 2023, 11:33 PM

We, as in me? -Bill

I read with interest our Mayors column In the Bugle 7 Oct. I was intrigued by alot of "we" throughout the article .... "we have learned from the past", "we must collaborate inside and outside the organise the organisation" " at one time we may have been facing disaster" "a good long look at ourselves". Well if the WE he refers to is including me and the rest of KMC ratepayers I for one have missed something.

If WE have as they say "moved forward" i am still none the wiser who got us into "our" mess- did somebody in the past press return on some council computer to start the downhill spiral? - and the person who pressed the key did it because they had little idea as they had inadequate accountancy qualifications? Somebody or some group of people is responsible for what we are in there has been enough time and investigations to find that out - ratepayers are not preschoolers we can handle the truth but "we" cannot move on before "we" know WHO was responsible for what "we" are in Mr Mayor. Bill Potts