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What's On This Weekend

The Bugle App

Brendon Foye

31 May 2023, 11:30 PM

What's On This Weekend

Your guide to what’s happening around town 

Support a worthy cause this weekend – 


Rotary Rock'n'Roll Anniversary Dance and Fundraiser

Saturday 3 June 7-11pm

Gerringong Town Hall


Support Gerringong Rotary in their 20th year by dressing up in your rock’n’roll gear and dance the night away.


Parkinson's Walk in the Park

Sunday 4 June 12-3pm

Black Beach, Kiama


Join the annual walk along Kiama Harbour to raise money for people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease.


Markets –


Lifestyle & Wellness Fair

Sunday 4 June 9.30-3pm

Kiama Pavilion


A fair fit for the whole community: peruse interactive stalls, speak with health professionals, attend yoga or Pilates class and join in on movement and mindset sessions.

Art –

Kiama Art Society Exhibition

Until 7 June 10-3pm

Old Fire Station, Kiama


Browse fresh and new artworks from members of Kiama Art Society.


Gerringong Pics and Flicks – The Lost King

Friday 2 June 7-10pm

Gerringong Community Hall


Sit back and relax this Friday evening at the screening of the inspiring true story on amateur historian Philippa Langley.


Ryan Butta author talk – The Ballad of Abdul Wade

Saturday 3 June

Kiama Library, 2-4pm


Author Ryan Butta will reveal the gritty alternative history in his novel, The Ballad of Abdul Wade, at the next Friends of Kiama Library.