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Which councillors to contact about what

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Cathy Law

28 February 2022, 1:45 AM

Which councillors to contact about what

Councillor representation on various internal and external committees was endorsed at an Extraordinary Meeting of Council late last week.


One long standing committee that isn’t mentioned in the list below is Economic Development as its function and role is under review, along with a restructure of Council’s Economic Development department.


“The Community Strategic Plan exercise is revealing new opportunities that should be explored,” says Mayor Neil Reilly.


A review of all existing internal committees will be undertaken in September to determine if any other are required. At this stage, consideration of the need for an Aboriginal Advisory Committee and a Rural Lands Committee has been mooted.

Access and Movement Committee (including walking trails, cycleways, safety etc)

  • Cllr Larkin
  • Cllr Brown

ARIC (Audit, Risk & Investment Committee)

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Lang
  • Cllr Keast

Arts and Culture Committee         

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Drasmia

Blue Haven Board 

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Rice

Catchment and Flood Risk Management Committee   

  • Cllr Larkins
  • Cllr Lang

Civic Risk Mutual                                                    

  • Cllr Keast 

Cleary Bros Community Consultative Committee         

  • Cllr Croxford
  • Cllr Larkins 

Companion Animals Committee                          

  • Cllr Larkins

Destination Kiama 

  • Cllr Brown
  • Cllr Steel

Environmental Management and Sustainability Committee   

  • Cllr Drasmia
  • Cllr Keast

Finance Advisory Committee       

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Keast

Friends of Kiama Library   

  • Mayor
  • Alternate - Cllr Draisma

Healthy Cities Illawarra Management Committee and International Healthy Cities Alliance (including Australian Chapter)

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Rice

Illawarra Academy of Sport           

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Croxford

Illawarra Bush Fire Management Committee     

  • Cllr Larkins

Illawarra Connection                                              

  • Cllr Steel

Illawarra District Weeds Authority Committee    

  • Cllr Draisma

Illawarra Regional Airport Management Advisory Committee 

  • Mayor

Illawarra Rural Fire District Service Agreement Committee    

  • Cllr Larkins

Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Lang
  • Alternate – Cllr Brown

Jamberoo Youth Hall                                             

  • Mayor

Kiama and District Sports Association    

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Croxford

Kiama Liquor Accord          

  • Cllr Steel
  • Cllr Croxford

Local Traffic Committee    

  • Cllr Croxford
  • Cllr Larkin

NSW Public Library South East Zone Committee         

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Draisma

Performance Review Committee

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Brown
  • Cllr Rice
  • Cllr Draisma

South Coast Co-operative Library Service          

  • Mayor 

Southern Regional Planning Panel         

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Rice
  • Alternate – Cllr Croxford 

Sydney Catchment Authority’s Local Government Reference Panel

  • Mayor
  • Cllr Rice

Youth Advisory Committee           

  • Cllr Drasmia
  • Cllr Brown