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Who cares for the carers?

The Bugle App

Heidi Gilchrist

06 May 2024, 1:00 AM

Who cares for the carers?

With Mother’s Day just around the corner on 12 May, I want to focus on ways of staying active for women in their middle age (45-64 years old) – an important but often invisible group in our community. Middle age is a crucial time for staying active, as it is when our physical capacity starts to naturally decline. Unfortunately, many during this stage may become less physically active. 

Women in middle age have unique barriers to being physically active, which makes them less likely than men to exercise regularly. For example, while women make up 47 percent of the paid workforce, they also perform three quarters of the unpaid domestic and care work.

Often described as the ‘sandwich generation’ because of their multiple roles caring for ageing parents and their own children, twice as many middle-aged women than men are primary carers. With so many competing demands, prioritising self-care often goes out the window in the service of caring for others. Exercise may be considered a luxury or self indulgence.

My argument to the women that I regularly see in my physiotherapy practice, who find themselves suddenly unable to fulfil their myriad duties due to an injury or illness and struggle to be regularly active is this: they must put on their own oxygen mask first. If they don’t take care of their own health, including being regularly physically active, then eventually they will be no help to the people who rely on them when they themselves become incapacitated.  

Re-framing exercise not as self-care, but as a necessity to continue to serve others is one way to prioritise physical activity without the guilt that women so often feel when doing something for themselves. 

If you would like help to get more physically active, my research team is evaluating a new program aimed at supporting women aged 50 and over to become more physically active. You can find more information out about it here: or by scanning the QR code: