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Writing for The Bugle

The Bugle App

Lynne Strong

18 July 2024, 12:54 AM

Writing for The Bugle

In a world where news is often distilled into quick soundbites and sensational headlines, our local paper offers us all an opportunity to be part of community-focused journalism.

It’s a place where we can explore the issues that shape our lives, from local governance to social equity, and everything in between. It’s a forum for voices that might otherwise go unheard, and for stories that reflect the true heartbeat of our community.

I write for The Bugle because I believe in the power of informed dialogue. Social justice isn’t some lofty ideal. It’s rooted in the everyday realities we face—access to affordable housing, education, health and wellbeing services, environmental sustainability, and inclusive governance. By engaging with these topics in my articles I hope to spark conversations that lead to real, positive change.

The young people I’ve worked with over the last 20 years have taught me so much about resilience, creativity, and the power of community. They’ve shown me that when given the right tools—critical thinking, empathy, and a sense of agency—they can transform not only their own lives but the lives of those around them.

Writing for the paper allows me to extend this work beyond the classroom. It gives me a platform to share insights, celebrate achievements, and call for the support for our community to thrive.

We’re lucky to have a local paper that values the role of community journalism. In many places, local news is disappearing, and with it, a vital connection to the issues that matter most. Our paper fosters a sense of shared purpose and community spirit.

Through my columns, I aim to contribute to this mission. I want to write pieces that are not just informative but also thought-provoking and reflective of our collective values. Together, we can build a community that is informed, compassionate, and committed to social justice.