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Your Community Candidates are seeking your vote

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

06 August 2021, 2:03 AM

Your Community Candidates are seeking your voteThe team: Mark Forster, Yasmin Tatrai, Mark Croxford, Kristi-Lee Gale and Paul Paterno

Your Community Candidates is the latest group to announce its team for the Council election. It is being led by Mark Croxford, a semi-retired corporate and public affairs consultant from Kiama Downs who has been involved with a number of community groups, and often represents Gareth Ward MP at functions he can't attend personally.

Speaking at the launch of the their campaign, Mr Croxford said his team have a strong plan to make the Kiama Municipality an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

“Our team is concerned that Councillors are failing to run the agenda. Elected councillors need to be setting the agenda, not the bureaucracy," he said.

“We will put an end to the horror stories where residents and local businesses get suffocated with council paperwork, and do not receive the level of service expected for the rates we pay.

“With four of the nine councillors not seeking re-election to Council, we ask that residents trust their vote with us; we are the only team of candidates that has made clear our positive plan for our community.

“Our team wants a positive council with a clear plan. We have a team of candidates that has the real world experience to bring the shakeup Council needs so we can get things done for our community.”

Councillor Mark Way, who is not seeking re-election, is lending his support to the Your Community Candidates group.

"I want to see a balance on council, and Mark has got a pretty good team together," he said.

Other members of the team, in their order on the ticket, are local hospitality business owner Paul Paterno, semi-retired business owner Yasmin Tatrai, renewable energy solution provider Kristi-Lee Gale, and sixth generation barber and mental health advocate, Mark Foster.

Mr Paterno is keen to improve the way Council interacts with business.

"I have just recently done a development [for Little Betty's in Collins St] and I just found there was no help whatsoever in getting that across the line.

"I don't know they are too busy, or if there is no-one actually being the ear and then the voice in Council - I'd like to be that person."