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Faces of Our Coast

Navigating love's second chance on 'My Mum, Your Dad'
Navigating love's second chance on 'My Mum, Your Dad'

22 November 2023, 12:22 AM

The reality show presented by Kate Langbroek and aired on Channel 9, 'My Mum, Your Dad' takes viewers on a unique journey of love, where single parents nominated by their grown-up kids seek a second chance at finding love. The twist? Their every move is watched by their kids from a nearby location, and all the dating decisions are also made by their kids, adding a layer of trust and intrigue to the quest for true love. Janine is one of seven women and six men to enter a luxury "retreat", nominated by their children to experience real connections, heartbreak, and hopefully love.At 53, Janine Francis, an attractive and statuesque aged care nurse from Gerringong, entered the show nominated by her daughter Tiarn, 22. Despite her ability to attract dates, Janine struggled to find the right match on dating apps. With specific criteria for her perfect man in mind, such as being visually appealing, fun, and a non-smoker without baggage, Janine embarked on a 10-day luxury retreat filmed for the show.Speaking to The Bugle about their experience, Janine and Tiarn shared that it was a positive lead-up to the show. During the retreat, they met numerous like-minded individuals, forming bonds that will last a lifetime. Adjusting to constant camera scrutiny, Janine remarked, 'You get used to the cameras – after a while it becomes normal.”While on the show, Janine and Tiarn discovered their hidden strengths. Janine reflected, “I have realised that I can do things that I didn’t think I could.” Tiarn echoed this sentiment, emphasising the personal growth experienced by pushing themselves outside their comfort zones.The Blessing Ceremony, aired on 20 November, emerged as the pinnacle moment for both Janine and Tiarn. This finale event brought parents and children together, allowing approval or disapproval of the final couples. Janine and Simmo made it to the end, with Janine expressing, “Simmo is a great guy and deserves love.”Despite the connection forged on the show, the geographical distance between them proved challenging for Janine and Simmo, so they now remain friends. Fortunately, Janine has found new love in August. Both Janine and Tiarn recommend the show to other prospective singles. “It’s been a very positive experience,” they agreed. As Janine embarks on a new chapter in her love life, The Bugle wishes her all the best. 'My Mum, Your Dad' not only brought entertaining moments but also valuable lessons on love,

Potting at 92: the inspiring craftsmanship of Roger Graham
Potting at 92: the inspiring craftsmanship of Roger Graham

18 November 2023, 10:55 PM

Roger Graham, 92, is an accomplished craftsman and a true gentleman who stands as a testament to the enduring power of passion and creativity. His second career as a potter has defied the constraints of age and flourished with time. Roger's primary focus is on creating high-fired domestic stoneware. His pieces are practical and yet artful, designed to be cherished in our daily lives. Working from his workshop, which is nested in the charming setting of the old Toolijooa School House, Roger skillfully brings clay to life in the form of mugs, teapots, bowls, and figurines. His creations include a variety of animals such as owls, dragons, pussycats, little wombats, emus, and dolphins.Roger Graham Pottery - teabag teapotPreviously a school science teacher in Kiama, in his retirement, Roger embarked on an artistic journey with his wife, Pauline, dedicating four years to a part-time pottery course at TAFE. Both of them graduated in 1991 with a Certificate in Studio Ceramics, with Pauline even outshining her husband in academic prowess. In fact none of this would have happened if Pauline hadn’t started off the idea! She booked the first course and bought the first wheel, and the rest, they say, is history.Regarding their venture, Roger humbly refers to it as a "cottage industry," which came to life in 1988. Their initial equipment was modest, including a small electric kiln (6 cubic feet), lovingly resurrected from its burnt-out state. Over the years, they expanded their arsenal with a larger gas-fired fibre kiln (27 cubic feet), a smaller test kiln (2 cubic feet), and a wood-fired kiln, each reflecting their commitment to the craft.Today, Roger continues to shape clay into art while Pauline takes on the pivotal roles of Quality Control Supervisor and Customer Relations Manager. Roger consults with her about glazes and creative design for the pieces. Despite the march of time and the slowing pace that comes with it, they persist in their creative journey.If you ever find yourself on the highway near Toolijooa, watch for a sign directing you to their pottery 'display room.' In their charmingly modest style, they prefer not to use the term 'studio' as it sounds "too pretentious," opting for 'display room' and workshop.Roger Graham Pottery This workshop is a haven of creativity, housing three pottery wheels, pugmills, a slab roller, extruders, various kilns, and all the essential tools. “We fire an occasional batch of terracotta items, but most of the work is stoneware, fired to cone 9 or 10,” says Roger.With a twinkle in his eye, Roger describes opening the kiln door after each firing as akin to unwrapping a Christmas present, where some pots exceed expectations while others present room for improvement.In their quest for continual learning and improvement, every result is meticulously documented with the aim of constant refinement.Roger's commitment to passing on his knowledge is evident in the three skilled craftspeople he mentors. He thrives on learning and experimenting, often delving into techniques such as water-etching, which imbues surfaces with a delicate raised pattern, opening up a world of artistic possibilities.Roger in the workshopTheir work has not gone unnoticed, with a collection of prize ribbons earned at various shows and exhibitions. It's a testament to the quality and artistry behind every piece they produce. Roger and Pauline are just as enthusiastic about making pottery today as they were 30 years ago!Full of stories and reminiscences of the past, Roger and Pauline love to laugh and to chat with those who visit their workshop. “We meet a lot of interesting people from all corners of the globe,” and they have a map of the world on the workshop wall with coloured pins showing all the places that his visitors have come from. Very humble about his achievements, Roger says that, apart from the creative outlet, he and his proteges find potting very soothing, adding “Who doesn’t like ‘playing in the mud’?”For a closer look at Roger and Pauline's artistry and craftsmanship, you can visit their 'display room' at Old Toolijooa School, 233 Princes Hwy, Gerringong, NSW 2534. Alternatively, you can explore their website: Pottery at Old Toolijooa School. And if you like stories, Roger and Pauline have plenty. 

Jon Phipps: A Legend of Lions
Jon Phipps: A Legend of Lions

18 November 2023, 12:40 AM

In the realm of Lions Clubs International, the mantra "We Serve" is not just a slogan but a commitment to selfless service. Within this community-minded ethos, Jon Phipps stands as a model of humility and dedication, embodying the core values of Lions. Recognised as a 'Legend of Lions,' Jon's journey traces back to the inception of Kiama Lions in 1970, where he holds the distinguished position of being one of the two original charter members.The Kiama Lions Club, formed on March 12, 1970, at the Brighton Hotel, under the leadership of Charter President Ian Andrews, has evolved into a beacon of community service. The charter night on June 16, 1970, marked a significant moment with 220 Lions, visitors, and guests, where the Club's average age was a youthful 28.Jon's service extends over an impressive 53 years, during which he has actively participated in various projects, from the iconic driver reviver initiative to his current focus on the Australian Lions Children's Mobility Foundation. As a physician, Jon underscores the many benefits of philanthropic endeavours plus an active lifestyle.Beyond his Lions commitments, Jon, alongside Hilton Bloomfield, champions fundraising through stamp collection, an initiative where stamps from individuals and organisations across Kiama are auctioned. The proceeds from these auctions fund walkers for children facing mobility challenges.Jon has been a passionate cyclist and spearheaded fundraising events to raise much-needed funds for organisations like the Fred Hollows Foundation and the Children's Medical Research Foundation. His four-year involvement in the St. George South Coast Running Festival during the 1980s demonstrates his commitment to making a tangible impact.In reflecting on his Lions journey, Jon expresses gratitude, stating, "Lions has been an amazing gift for me." He says that the camaraderie within the Club, united by a shared goal of making the world a better place, has enriched his life. As Kiama Lions extends an invitation to like-minded individuals, Jon's story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of community service. For those interested in joining the Lions journey, membership information is available on their brand new website at 

Review of ‘The Promise’ documentary focused on suicide.
Review of ‘The Promise’ documentary focused on suicide.

20 October 2023, 11:00 PM

Directed by Jye Currie, ‘The Promise’ is a powerful documentary that follows the life of Craig Hamilton. Its primary goal is to initiate a vital conversation about the profound impact of depression, loneliness, and social disconnection, which can lead individuals to contemplate suicide. The film also sheds light on various mental health conditions that often contribute to this dire state of mind.In this candid and brutally honest documentary, Craig Hamilton bares his soul, sharing the agonising pain and despair that engulf those experiencing suicidal thoughts. The desire for an escape from their harsh reality, even if it means death, is heart-wrenching to grasp.Craig's personal battle with mental health came to the fore when he experienced a psychotic break at a train station, leading to a ride in a police paddy wagon and his confinement in a mental institution. Fortunately, he received the necessary help and discovered that he has bipolar disorder. Through prescribed medication, he has learned to stay in control of the highs and lows of his condition.The documentary includes interviews with prominent researchers, mental health advocates, suicide survivors, and individuals who have lost loved ones to suicide. Notable voices like Jessica Rowe, Wayne Bennett, Tim Tszyu, Joe Williams, Paul Harragon, Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin, and Bailey Seamer provided unique insights about mental health struggles with sensitivity and candour.At the conclusion of the film the audience sat in contemplative silence, deeply affected by the profound subject matter. During the Q&A session led by Craig and Jye, various members of the audience expressed their gratitude for the film's courage and mission.Many also enquired about how to recognise signs of suicidal tendencies in others. Craig emphasised the importance of ‘Mental Health First Aid’ courses which educate individuals on identifying symptoms before they escalate into major concerns. The documentary also highlighted the necessity of starting conversations about this issue to break the stigma associated with mental health and suicide.Craig pointed out that the government has not allocated sufficient funding to assist those in need of mental health care, despite the fact that more than 20 percent of the population experiences mental health concerns every year. ‘The Promise’ serves as a beacon of hope, igniting conversations, motivating change, and championing a society that not only prioritises mental well-being but also extends unwavering support to those on the path to recovery.The Bugle wishes Craig and Jye well in spreading the word and raising awareness about this critical issue and applauds their bravery and determination. It should also be recognised that all profits from the tour will be donated to Lifeline which provides crucial support and assistance to those in need. The Promise is that your call for help will be heard.Note: The documentary is currently screening around the country. For dates and locations please visit the website: 

Preserving Kiama's heritage
Preserving Kiama's heritage

18 October 2023, 4:46 AM

Sue Eggins has dedicated her expertise to local Kiama history. Her contributions to, and passion for, preserving the heritage of the area are truly noteworthy. Sue has embarked on her third career, dedicating her passion and knowledge to preserving the rich history of Kiama. Sue's journey from being a school science teacher to a registered psychologist and now a local historian illustrates the possibility of multiple careers that we can enjoy in a lifetime. A dedicated member of the Kiama Historical Society (KHS) since the mid-80s, Sue currently serves as the President. Under her guidance, the old Pilot's Cottage on the hill, a museum dedicated to Kiama's history, has become a treasure trove of artifacts, photos, and stories carefully curated by the KHS allowing the community to connect with their history and heritage.Sue's dedication to heritage buildings, such as Barroul House and the former Police House in Terralong Street, showcases her commitment to preserving Kiama's architectural history. She has been a driving force behind their maintenance. The Bugle had the privilege of touring the Pilot's Cottage with Sue and received a firsthand account of the area's rich and fascinating history. The cottage, with its heritage-listed status, boasts high ceilings and rich cedar floors, doors, and architraves, making it a significant historical landmark. Pilot’s Cottage Museum, Kiama (The Bugle: Steven White)In addition to local indigenous history, Sue gave an account about the local quarrying, mining, farming, cedar gathering, shipwrecks, and heritage houses. She is a wealth of information about all things 'Kiama,' and particularly enjoys sharing the stories of two significant local personalities: Orry-Kelly and Charmian Clift. Orry-Kelly, born in Kiama in 1897, had a remarkable career as a prolific Australian costume designer and three-time Oscar winner. Sue's dedication to researching Orry-Kelly's life and contributions has helped shed light on this often-forgotten Australian talent. Sue stumbled over a copy of a Vogue magazine with an article about Orry and from there she pieced together the story about his life. In New York Orry shared an apartment with Archibald Leach, better known as Cary Grant. He counted Tony Curtis, Billy Wilder and George Cukor amongst his friends. Orry had written a biography entitled ‘Women I’ve Undressed’, and a copy of the manuscript, along with his three Oscars were left to Ann Warner, wife of Jack Warner (Head of Warner Studios) upon his death in 1964.The story remained untold until famous Australian Director Gilliam Armstrong made a documentary film in 2015 about Orry entitled ‘Women He’s Undressed’. Until that time Orry-Kelly had not been acknowledged in Australia and almost forgotten in the US, the adopted country of his greatest success. During the boom years of Hollywood, he was the costume designer on an astonishing 282 motion pictures, and designed for iconic stars like Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Rosalind Russell, Errol Flynn and many more. His films included ‘Some Like It Hot’, ‘Casablanca’, ‘An American in Paris’ and ‘Now, Voyager’. Orry-Kelly won three Academy Awards and was nominated for a fourth. He was Head of Warner Brothers Costume Department during the richest period of American film. Orry was gay, uncompromising, outrageous, witty, outspoken, and a drinker. He was partially protected by his friendship with the Warners, and by gossip columnist Hedda Hopper and also due to his extraordinary talent. Sue was proud to be credited as a Researcher for this film and also wants to point out that the concert stage in Hindmarsh Park has been named the ‘Orry-Kelly Stage’. Sue is planning making Podcasts on Kiama Community Radio, under the tutelage of Gabi Cabral, to tell the colourful Orry-Kelly story. She has become an expert, having given already dozens of talks about him.Sue Eggins, President Kiama Historical Society (The Bugle: Steven White) The other colourful local close to Sue's heart was Charmian Clift, Australia's renowned essayist. Charmian's early life in Kiama greatly influenced her work, and the meticulous research displays by Sue, Malcolm Bedford, and Heather Bell at the museum have contributed to her recognition. Charmian wrote often for the Sydney Morning Herald – over 240 essays - mostly about life. Born in Kiama in 1923 Charmian grew up in one of the quarry workers' cottages at the southern end of Bombo Beach. She led a varied and interesting life and went on to become an internationally recognised writer, and literary collaborator. She was married in 1949 to author George Johnston, winner of the Miles Franklin Award-for ‘My Brother Jack’. She lived in Sydney with him and their three children until her suicide in 1969 at age 45 due to significant life pressures. KHS nominated Charmian Clift for a Blue Plaque which has been awarded by Heritage NSW, but this hasn’t yet been formally announced by the Minister. It will eventually be displayed outside the Kiama Library. The Kiama Historical Society (KHS) is self-funded, and the dedication of Sue and the other society members is vital to its success. Challenges lie ahead as many of its committee members are in their mid-70s, raising concerns about succession.Before the Covid pandemic, the museum was open daily, but the current reality has limited its operation to weekends from 11 am to 3 pm. The need for more volunteers to welcome and guide museum visitors is crucial to continuing the society's mission. Sue's dedication to preserving Kiama's history and the KHS's upcoming event, a talk by Kiama's own Rick Scott-Murphy. The event is on October 21 at The Family History Auditorium, commencing at 2 pm. Tickets for this event are priced at $3 for KHS members and $5 for non-members. Sue Eggins is not only a local historian but a true custodian of Kiama's heritage, ensuring that the stories of the past are not forgotten.There are many rooms in the museum that contain fascinating information about Kiama. (The Bugle: Steven White)

Surprise Nomination for Coach for Rugby Father of the Year
Surprise Nomination for Coach for Rugby Father of the Year

22 August 2023, 10:48 AM

Father’s Day is Sunday 4 September, and a local community coach and dad has been nominated for the tenth annual Phillips Community Sports Dad of the Year.  A Kiama dad Lachlan Payne was wonderfully surprised by his wife Sherrie Paynen on the footy field during training and The Bugle was right on the spot at the Kiama showground when Sherrie told him he had been nominated for Community Sports Dad of the Year on Friday 18th August 2023. Every athlete has a story about who has supported them over the years. In many cases this has been a parent, coach or community volunteer who has committed to championing community sports from the sidelines or behind the scenes. Lachlan clearly has been that person for very many players over a long time period. Lachlan is the coach of three rugby league girls teams for the Kiama Knights, the U16s, the U14s, and U12s. He has three daughters who play for the teams, Charlotte Payne (U16), Eadie Payne (U14), and Jimmi Payne (U12). Two teams have progressed to Grand Finals next week on Saturday 26 August and the third is in a final a week earlier on Saturday 19 August.  Lachlan is the current club vice president of the Kiama Knights and been a committee member for many years and well known for being up for any job, whether for canteen or ground manager, to BBQ or first aid.  Sherrie said “My husband Lachlan has been coaching many teams for years and he deserves the recognition.” Damien Cook, Rabbitohs and NSW Origin star won the 2022 Celebrity Sports Dad of the Year award. He knows first-hand the support he received from his own dad growing up and aspires to do the same with his kids, Willow and Jagger. “Speaking from experience with my own dad when I was younger, community dads are so important with the roles they cover - from being a coach, setting up fields, refereeing and driving us to and from training and on-game days.  “My dad did this all while working full time and then worked overtime just to earn the extra time off to be able to get me to and from my commitments and be there to support me. I’ll always be grateful for that.” Submissions for YOUR nomination close at midnight AEST on Tuesday, 22 August 2023 so get in quick! To nominate a community sports dad, submit 100 words on why they should win via The winner will be notified prior to Father’s Day, Sunday, 3 September, with the prize pack including a Philips male grooming pack valued at over $1,000 RRP, as well as a $5,000 Rebel Sports voucher to purchase new clothing or sporting equipment for the community sports club of choice. Those who nominate the successful dad will also have the chance to win a Philips OneBlade Pro ahead of Father’s Day. 

Kiama woman assists Special Olympics team to Bronze Medal
Kiama woman assists Special Olympics team to Bronze Medal

19 July 2023, 10:06 PM

Kiama Downs resident, Kellie Hanson, has just returned from an amazing fortnight at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin.Once every four years, in the year prior to the Olympics, 7000 athletes with an intellectual disability from 190 countries, gather together to compete in the games competed in 26 sports. It is the largest humanitarian event to take place in the world. Kellie was selected as an Assistant to the Australian Women’s Basketball Team which won the Bronze Medal. “I was super excited to be one of only six officials from NSW, to be selected to be part of the team representing Australia at the games,” Kellie said.Being Kiama born and bred this was something she had long dreamed of but never believed she could attain. As the Chairperson for Special Olympics in the Illawarra, she said“I am absolutely passionate about Special Olympics and the sporting opportunities it provides for athletes with an intellectual disability. The World Games is the pinnacle for these athletes.”Kellie was part of the team for Women’s basketball and has spent the last six months preparing the athletes for the challenge of travelling to Berlin, with some athletes never having travelled overseas before, and some had never been away from their families for any length of time. She said, “The time spent in preparation faded into insignificance when we all met at Brisbane Airport, where the excitement and anticipation was palpable.”The Opening Ceremony will forever be embedded in all their memories. Walking through the tunnel under the stadium as the 64 Australian athletes thunderously chanted “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie” and sang “Come on Aussie come on”, just cannot be put into words. Then the athletes entered the Berlin Stadium, the same Olympic Stadium that hosted the 1936 Olympic Games.“All I can say is Wow!” Kellie enthuses, “I spotted my husband and daughter in the packed stadium, and I became a jumping mad woman, so humbled to be part of a life changing journey.”This was the start of the Games and memories to last a lifetime. Our Women’s Basketball team played their hearts out. Preliminary games saw them win 3 of 5 games. In their third-round game against Azerbaijan, they needed to win by 5 points to take them to the gold medal match, but in one of the roughest games that Kellie has ever witnessed in 45 years of basketball, our women were battered and bruised with the Azerbaijan team recording 27 fouls, 5 technical fouls and having two of their players ejected from the game!The Australian Women's Basketball TeamThe Australian Team won by 4 and were relegated to the bronze medal match. Our girls were disappointed but rose to the challenge. They got away to a great start, but Kazakhstan came back resulting in a draw at full time. They were neck and neck in extra time, until, with 9 seconds on the clock, one of our girls was fouled, resulting in 2 free throws, both of which she sank, to steal the win!“The Aussie crowd erupted, the screams and tears were let loose, and the rest is history.” Kellie says “I can't really put into words what the whole experience was like. Travelling with any team is a challenge, but when all the athletes have an intellectual disability, the challenges are absolutely increased. But the joy and excitement totally outweigh any obstacles we faced.”After a well-deserved holiday, Kellie will return to weekly training and supporting our Illawarra athletes, but with an eye to the future and four years' time, she can only dream of the next world games.The Bugle would like to congratulate the team and acknowledge the hard work and dedication that it takes to win a medal at the Olympics.

Rita Sullivan: helping women adapt to life after breast surgery
Rita Sullivan: helping women adapt to life after breast surgery

19 July 2023, 9:55 PM

Rita Sullivan is a specialist. Her lingerie shop in Kiama provides a much-needed service to ladies who have undergone breast cancer surgery and need to adjust to the physical and emotional challenges that brings. The compassionate and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to assisting women rediscover their femininity and confidence by embracing the changes to their body with love and acceptance. How? The Knickerboxers store has an extensive range of post-surgery bras, pocketed mastectomy bras and breast forms to suit all clients. Their trusted suppliers prioritise comfort, quality, and style to ensure that clients can have access to the best possible options. The products are designed to enhance clients’ natural shape and provide gentle support, and above all boost self-confidence. “We are retired registered nurses; therefore, we have a unique insight into the challenges women face following all kinds of breast surgery.” Rita says. “We are known for our extensive range of sizes - from A cups to K cups!”Rita and her team offer personalised fittings to ensure that each garment fits perfectly. The skilled fitters have extensive experience working with women who have had breast cancer surgery and they take the time to understand the unique needs and preferences of every client. This is in an environment where clients feel safe, supported, and empowered.A small number of women in Fiji that have undergone breast cancer surgery.“Comfort is our mantra,” Rita remarks. “We recommend regular bra fittings for all women.”The Knickerboxers team travel widely to support women who cannot visit the Kiama shop and often have fitting events in Bowral, Ulladulla, Narooma, and Shoalhaven. Rita says. “Age, health, and the tyranny of distance can make it difficult for women to come to Kiama. Our next event is 25 & 26th July in Narooma. Bookings are essential.”Heather Tait from Rita’s team also visits Fiji on a regular basis offering this same service to ladies who need help. “Knickerboxers collects second hand breast forms and bras in good condition and Heather takes them to Fiji for the women following surgery,” Rita reveals, “They get no assistance in Fiji.”Rita holds a breast form that will go into a pocketed mastectomy bra.Anyone needing Rita’s expertise and advice is welcome to contact her directly on (02) 4232 1196 or visit the Knickerboxers shop at 88 Terralong Street, Kiama.Find her under the lights after her Kiama Community Radio debut.

Kiama's next motocross champ off to Romania
Kiama's next motocross champ off to Romania

07 July 2023, 5:36 AM

Kiama’s next motocross champion Jack Nunn is flying to Romania in July to compete in the 2023 World Junior Motocross Championships. The 14-year-old recently placed second for the NSW and Australia titles, which qualified him to represent Australia in the 85cc category between 7th and 9th in Bucharest.  The Australian team will be led by professional coach Ross Beaton. CEO of Motocross Australia Peter Doyle congratulated Jack and all of the other riders chosen to represent Australia. “Do us proud and enjoy every moment. With Ross Beaton as Team Manager, I have no doubt that this team will excel.” Even though Jack is part of the Australian team, riders compete in each event as individuals. Jack won’t have to wait long for his next big race. The family will travel straight from Bucharest to Darwin to the Australian Junior Nationals, where Jack was recently selected to represent NSW. Jack’s dad, Michael, says the family are very happy to be rewarded with the opportunity for Jack to compete on a global stage. He wants to thank everyone who has supported him on his journey.Longtime supporters of Jack, BBR 102 motorsports team, have set up a GoFundMe campaign to help fund the trip. Including the cost of flights, accommodation, bikes and other related expenses, the trip will cost approximately $25,000, which a small amount has already been covered for by Motorcycling Australia. Anyone who would like to help Jack can contribute at

Brett's story on screen
Brett's story on screen

06 July 2023, 2:05 AM

Brett Connellan’s documentary Attacking Life – which captures his inspiring journey to recovery after a life threatening shark attack – is debuting on Stan this Thursday 9 March after three years in the making.  The local surfer started as a motivational speaker four months after the 2016 attack on Bombo Beach and has been telling his story ever since. It wasn’t until Brett and friend Sam Tolhurst made an introductory video for his talks that they decided his story deserved a full feature in order to do it justice.While his motivational speaking tells the story through his own perspective, the documentary offers new angles from his parents, the people who saved his life on the beach, his surgeon and physio. It features the Moloka’i 2 O’ahu challenge Brett conquered last year, which involved a 54km ocean paddle between two islands in Hawaii. “A lot of the things that I experienced throughout the recovery applied to the paddle itself as it was both a physical and mental challenge,” Brett says. “It was also a good way to prove my attitude towards sharks which is one that is filled with respect and is very positive despite what's happened.”  With a single minded goal in life to use his experience to help others, Brett hopes the documentary will do just that. “When people go through challenges in life, it is easy to focus on the negative. I want to get people to look at struggle differently,” he says. “Whilst it’s easy to look at a negative experience like a shark attack, for me it was more of a positive experience especially looking back on it with the things I’ve learnt and the experiences I’ve gained.”While watching his story, Brett wants others to draw out their own experiences and use them as an inspiration to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.  “Everyone has their own version of that shark attack. People should seek inspiration from their own stories and not necessarily mine because I’m just a regular person that something very irregular happened to,” he says.You can hear him talk at Werri Beach as part of Gerringong’s SurfLife Music Festival on 1 April.

40 years at Kiama Preschool
40 years at Kiama Preschool

06 July 2023, 2:04 AM

Kiama Preschool teacher Lindy Verryt is this month celebrating 40 years of teaching generations of our little ones.She says that one of the reasons she has stayed at this preschool for so long is because of the “lovely staff I’ve had the opportunity to work with over the years”.“People who come to this preschool stay,” says Lindy (known to all as Lindy Lou). “It’s a not-for-profit community-based school and all the teachers here work for the benefit of the children. In fact, most of the kids here think we teachers actually live at the preschool!”Two of the current staff members, Shayd Flegg, 25, and Marli Delfino, 17, are former students of Lindy’s, as are many of the parents. Lindy has seen many changes in the school – when she started the playground was just a vast space with some tiny trees and not much else. Now the trees provide shade for the kids, there are chickens, an award-winning vegetable garden, climbing frames and a wooden boat sailing in a stone river.“Kiama has really changed over those years, from a country town to the little metropolis that it now is. “The other major change is that both parents are working so this school is often not the first one the children have been to. So, we don’t have to ply them off their parents at the gate as they suffer from separation anxiety. “We used to stand at that gate and say, ‘mum and dad will be back soon’ and then we would distract them by saying, ‘look at those horses up on the hill’. Well now the horses are gone and it’s all houses instead!”Shayd says that what has stayed the same over the years is the community aspect of this school. “There have been so many changes in the wider aspect of education. We are very up to date with our professional development, reporting and parent interaction here, but the strong sense of community is still the same.” Marli says that while there were no chickens when she was here as a student, “We are strong on environmental and sustainable learning, looking after and being respectful of the world.”

 Kiama Climber tackles Everest
Kiama Climber tackles Everest

14 June 2023, 2:04 AM

If you thought Kiama’s hills were difficult to climb, how would you like to traverse 8,848 metres to the top of Mt Everest? Well, one Kiama resident has done just that. John Dover reached the summit of Mt Everest on 17 May after a one-and-a-half month journey, but his obsession with climbing the world’s tallest mountain started in earnest back in 2017.Kerry brought husband John on a trip to Nepal to travel to the Everest Base Camp, a 12-day round trip and the final stop before mountaineers make for the summit. Once they arrived, John told Kerry, “Well, that’s great that we’re here but if I’m standing here, then really I want to be at the top.” John, who is a helicopter pilot Lieutenant Commander in the Australian Defence Force, signed himself up for all the mountaineering and climbing courses he could as soon as the couple returned home.  Over the next few years, he took on climbing some of the world’s tallest peaks in preparation, including Mt Cook in New Zealand, Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America, Mont Blanc in the Alps and Nepal’s Ama Dablam, known as a “mountaineers mountain.” John went back to the Everest Base Camp as soon as he could, and spent two weeks with Kerry trekking to acclimatise to the high altitude. Before climbing Everest, however, the group climbed a 6,119 metre mountain called Lobouche as additional training. Talk about a warm up!After a second acclimation mission through the Khumbu icefalls, the group, which included two Americans, a Cuban, lead guide and three sherpas, had to wait for a 7-8 day gap of clear weather before they made the ascent safely. Such a gap appeared on 12 May, and the group set off at midnight. While the Cuban mountaineer became the first from his country to climb Everest, not everyone in the group was so lucky. One of the other climbers, one of the Americans, suffered a stroke at 8,000 metres on the way back down, and was carried back to camp before being helivaced to a hospital in Kathmandu. Thankfully, he is doing fine now, and is waiting to fly back home when he can. While surviving relatively unscathed, even John still suffered from a small bout of frostbite on his feet but feels fortunate to have made it without anything worse happening.  This year has been particularly deadly for Everest climbers, with 12 reported deaths and five others still missing, along with the countless rescue missions that take place. So, if you’re a Kiama resident thinking of making the climb, stay safe and rug up! Have a story you’d like to share? Tell us about it [email protected]

Gwen turns 103
Gwen turns 103

07 June 2023, 1:06 AM

Today marks a very special milestone for a Uniting Mayflower resident, Gwen Wilson, who is celebrating her 103rd birthday.Gwen has called Gerringong home for over 45 years, living on Werri Beach in a house built with her late husband, David, until she was 100 years old.She has been visiting the town since 1957 when she and David, with her twin sister Jeane and her husband, built a holiday home.“We were down here just about every weekend and all school holidays," says Gwen, who has two daughters Janice and Judith.“It was a wonderful lifestyle and the kids loved it. They made friends down here and so did we."The four were founding members of the Gerringong Bowling Club and did volunteer work in the kitchen.“Other than being the family taxi driver, I didn’t have time for anything else, I was too busy playing bowls."Gwen and David celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.Gwen and David were married for 58 years. “When he asked me to marry him, I thought, ‘well, he’s too nice to let go so I’ll have to say yes’."Her tip for a long and healthy life is an unconventional one; “I always say it’s sunshine – because I used to bake myself – and salt water”.Although Gabby, the cook at Mayflower, believes it’s her bacon and egg breakfast she cooks her; “That’s how she got to be 103."As children, Gwen and Jeane spent a lot of time on the beach, where Gwen later took up surfing on the old blow up ‘Surf-o-Planes’.“I surfed down at Gerroa, even when I was quite old when no one was around. I was just an ordinary run of the mill.”When asked what her hobbies are now, she said, “Well, I’ve got an iPad”.“I’m never bored. I do jigsaw puzzles and solitaire on my iPad and when that’s charging, I read books or I watch my electric photo frame which goes round and round.”Gwen with her five grandchildren and nine great grandchildren celebrated her milestone on Sunday with a traditional espresso martini in hand.“On my 99th birthday, Danny [at Gerringong Bowling Club] put this martini in front of me.“Well, every birthday since, I’ve had one. I love them.”

Kiama’s motocross wunderkind
Kiama’s motocross wunderkind

03 June 2023, 12:00 AM

Kiama’s love affair with ball sports is well-documented, but there’s a wealth of athletic success stories from lesser-known sports happening all the time.One of those recent success stories is 14-year-old motocross rider Jack Nunn, who is poised to become one of Australia’s best riders if his recent track record keeps up.Jack recently came within mere points of winning the Australian motocross title for his age bracket, placing second in NSW and Australia, and is waiting to see whether he’s qualified for the World Motocross Junior World Event in Romania in July this year.Jack’s passion for riding started when he received a bike at just five or six.“It was a little Chinese-made 50cc and it just grew from there. Dad’s always been into bikes so I was always looking at them anyway.”Around three years ago, Jack was lucky enough to be introduced to Matt Moss, a nine-time Australian motocross champion, who took him under his wing and began coaching him.From then on, Jack’s loved everything about motocross. “It’s everything really. Adrenaline, the support you get and you find out who supports you and it makes you grateful for that. Mum and Dad always have my back. I can’t put my finger on one thing.”Jack’s parents, Claire and Michael, are 100% supportive of their son’s dreams to make it as a motocross rider, but it’s not always easy keeping that dream alive on the South Coast of NSW.“It’s nowhere near as popular as football,” Claire told The Bugle. “There’s certainly a motocross community but you do have to travel if you want to be good at the sport to find the best tracks.” Jack says the best tracks closeby are in Nowra and Wollongong, but the most popular track is in Oakdale, a 90 minute drive from Kiama.That hasn’t slowed Jack down whatsoever, and the local community has pitched in where they can to help promote his races.“The very first person to give us any assistance was Kiama Cellars, which was right before the 2019 Australian titles,” Jack’s dad Michael told The Bugle.“We got some posters made up, which Red Rooster paid for and some of the local shops put up posters in their windows. The owner of Kiama Cellars gave Jack $50 on the spot, and that was the first time anybody believed in us to financially support us.”Jack’s also earned himself a handful of sponsors, his main sponsor being Pascall Plumbing and Excavations based in Nowra.His sights are firmly set on taking out the NSW and Australian titles next year, but as for the distant future, Jack wants to be a successful rider in the United States, the biggest market for the sport.He wouldn’t be the first successful Australian motocross champion in the states though; Jack looks up to brothers Jett and Hunter Lawrence, who have recently found success riding in America.“I’ve always had idols like Eli Tomac, but to have a couple of Aussies go over there and start killing it has been an inspiration that Aussies can make it over there and do well,” Jack says.

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