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History of our LGA

Orry-Kelly: The unsung star of Kiama and Hollywood
Orry-Kelly: The unsung star of Kiama and Hollywood

06 November 2024, 1:20 AM

Orry-Kelly was a three time Oscar winner who worked with celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis and Katherine Hepburn. He has credits on 300 films which include titles like Casablanca, 42nd Street and Some Like It Hot. When he died in 1964 his pallbearers included Cary Grant, Tony Curtis, Billy Wilder and George Cukor and his eulogy was read by Jack Warner.You would expect a man like this to be widely celebrated and known in his home country, especially his hometown. And yet, ask the majority of people in Kiama if they know who Orry-Kelly is and they would be hard-pressed to give you an answer.Yes, Orry-Kelly was born in Kiama in 1897 and lived here until he moved to Sydney at age 17. He won three Academy Awards in 1951, 1957 and 1959 and he is known for the way he would tailor the clothes toward the actor and the character.Other than a few artefacts featured in the Pilot’s Cottage Museum and the Orry-Kelly stage in Hindmarsh Park - Orry has not had much prominence in his hometown.President and Secretary of the Kiama Historic Society Sue Eggins says that this is an improvement as when she joined the organisation in the middle of the 1980’s they had no record of Orry-Kelly at all.“No one knew or had heard of Orry-Kelly, I hadn’t heard about him and we didn’t even have a file on him in the museum. We had a file on his father William Kelly, but nothing on Orry. All they had was that they thought his name was Horace,” says Eggins.Eggins first found out about Orry in 1994 when she was handed an 8 page Vogue Magazine article written by Karin Upton Baker.“That was just a wonderful article,” says Eggins. “And from that I started talking about him. I’ve probably done a hundred talks all over - some for the historic society, the library, Probus clubs, the Lions club, Apex clubs, lots of bus groups that come to the museum - so I’ve been preaching about him but still no one seems to have heard of him.”In 2015, Australian Director Gillian Armstrong (Little Women) released the film Women He’s Undressed, a documentary film about Orry’s life. Eggins is credited as a researcher for the film.“The producer Damien Parer came down a number of times and then Gillian Armstrong contacted me and she came down a number of times with Katherine Thompson, who was the scriptwriter for the film,” says Eggins.“I drove them around the town, showing them the different places. I picked a lot of spots that they could film from, they wanted photos without the highway and the trainline so I showed them that. I picked out a dozen photos from the archive, which were photos of the town around 1890 and the 1900s as that’s when Orry would have lived here.”Eggins felt the film might have brought Orry-Kelly back into the spotlight, but she still feels he hasn’t got enough awareness in the local area. As a result, Eggins and a group of individuals called Kiama Icons and Artists are planning a major event to celebrate Orry in July, 2025 at The Sebel.“He was a little boy in Kiama who went off to become a Hollywood star. He was the only Australian for a long time with three oscars. It’s been ten years since the film, so anything to get Orry back into the spotlight,” says Eggins.“This event will celebrate Orry’s life, his movies, fashion, art, plays - everything. And I just hope that he finally gets that recognition he deserves.”If you're interested in supporting this celebration, join Kiama Icons and Artists on December 1 at 3 PM at The Sebel. Together, we can honour Orry-Kelly and ensure his legacy is remembered. More information about the event can be found here.

‘Modern-day keeper’ shines a light on preserving heritage
‘Modern-day keeper’ shines a light on preserving heritage

02 November 2024, 1:00 AM

When Ian Clifford glances out of his window after dark he always checks to make sure Kiama Lighthouse is shining bright.An electrical engineer who has worked in radio and television and now does contract electronics and communications work, Mr Clifford has made it his mission to try and ensure all 142 heritage lighthouses across Australia are maintained and preserved.Source: Kiama Historical SocietyMr Clifford is president of Lighthouses of Australia, a volunteer-run organisation tasked with promoting, protecting and preserving the hundreds of lighthouses that dot Australia’s coastline. It is a lifelong passion that started when he was a young boy growing up near the famous Cape Byron lighthouse.“We would roam the headland as free-range kids and annoy the keeper to take us up,” he recalls. When Mr Clifford moved to Kiama more than 30 years ago he was delighted to discover the lighthouse, which he can see shining in his windows, was an integral part of the community. One day he noticed Kiama’s iconic beacon wasn’t lit up, so he “went to some pretty great lengths” to contact the relevant custodians to ensure it was fixed. When it happened again NSW Transport and Maritime Services entrusted Mr Clifford with its maintenance.“I’m almost like a modern-day keeper,” says Mr Clifford. “The custodians handed me a key and said ‘we’ll call you if it doesn’t work’. So on the rare occasion it needs to be fixed, I sort it out. But it’s very reliable these days.”When lightning struck the tower in 2017, Mr Clifford was part of a team tasked with removing the electronic system installed in the 1970s. It was replaced with an LED conversion system that turns off at sunrise and on at sundown.Mr Clifford still checks nightly to make sure the iconic lighthouse burns bright. “I automatically glance at it every night and say ‘yeah it’s working’,” he laughs. Kiama is one of 350 working lighthouses across Australia. Built in November 1886 for £1350 pounds, it was lit up for the first time on New Year’s Day, 1887. For more than three decades a keeper would continuously light an oil-burning wick throughout the night to ensure the beacon - originally a green light - alerted ships to the dangers of Blowhole Point. Gas replaced oil in the early 1900s and by 1920 the lighthouse was unmanned. Kiama Lighthouse was electrified in 1969. “Kiama, like many heritage lighthouses, still has its original glass lens manufactured in 1886,” says Mr Clifford. “A UK company developed an LED array that could be retrofitted to the optic lenses of heritage lighthouses, some dating back even earlier than the 1880s. The heritage of these lighthouses might be a legacy from the past, but I see it as a gift for the future.The Iconic Kiama Lighthouse“Lighthouses are such a visible and rich part of Australia’s maritime heritage. They are a symbol of safety, strength, resilience and security and remain an exceptionally reliable navigational tool, even with the invention of GPS.“Many lives were saved because without lighthouses there was nothing for ships to navigate by at night, especially when it was cloudy. It is our job to preserve and protect that history and to share those stories.”Earlier this month Mr Clifford was invited to speak to experts from around the world at the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities meeting in Sydney.Kiama Lighthouse got a mention in his speech. So did Point Perpendicular, whose light was deactivated in 1994, 95 years after it was first turned on. Mr Clifford and the team from Lighthouses of Australia have worked tirelessly for the past 25 years, lobbying to have the Jervis Bay lighthouse returned to a heritage site and the lights switched back on permanently.Kiama Lighthouse's optic lens“Hopefully we are successful," says Mr Clifford. "The area where I can really make a difference is working with the custodians to try and achieve conservation of heritage lighthouses as much as is practical. Lighthouses of Australia have come to realise the public is very interested in the heritage of our lighthouses. Kiama is a great example of that, it has an incredibly high visitation rate and there is always someone in front of it taking a photo.”

Gerringong’s Free Library: A legacy of intellectual improvement
Gerringong’s Free Library: A legacy of intellectual improvement

01 November 2024, 8:00 PM

By Dr Jill MillerGerringong council’s free library, established in 1874, was intended to improve the minds of locals rather than entertain them. In July 1874 the Governor authorised the issue of a sum of £200 for the institution. The Department of Justice and Public Instruction subsequently approved the list of books proposed for purchase by the council, except for the works of fiction. The Gerringong correspondent for the Kiama Independent in February 1874 hoped the council would ‘make provision for the intellectual improvement of the residents of their district’ by approving a library. In May 1874 he trusted, ‘that the books selected will be of such a character as will interest and enlighten, so that by a careful perusal the ratepayers … may learn how better to exercise their judgment in the choices of their representatives.’ Despite lamenting the fact ‘the class of books most in request are the lighter of the fictitious and pictorial works,’ he soon after conceded that the library was ‘felt to be a great boon in the present dearth of public entertainment or instruction …’The first proposal for the library came in 1869 from M. E. Robson, as a candidate for the Kiama Municipal elections. He favoured using rates on public works in the same locality they came from. His bugbear was that money from Gerringong was unjustly appropriated for facilities located in Kiama. Robson became the first mayor of the Gerringong municipality from 1871 to 1872.The Gerringong council voted to create the library in April 1874, concerned that the two-year old Kiama library was not accessible for many Gerringong people. Alderman Lee recommended Mrs. Scott as a competent custodian for a library whose collection could be housed in a room in her general store on Fern Street. The room was also deemed ‘suitable in every way for a council-chamber.’ The lady requested an annual fee of £14 for the space and her librarian duties.   Mayor Robert Miller noted that the Mutual Improvement Society of Gerringong, part of the School of Arts, might offer about £12 worth of books ‘to form the nucleus of the proposed library.’ This led to a somewhat heated exchange of letters in the Kiama Independent criticising the council for delays in access to the library. The council waited for the society to bring the books and book shelves offered by the School of Arts Committee while the committee waited for the council to arrange to collect them, with both sides saying the other was in the wrong.The library finally began lending to locals around the end of October, beginning of November of 1874. No rules had been established for borrowers, who were not sure whether they could keep books for one or twelve months. On 10 December council was informed that ‘the librarian had been subjected to annoyance and put to unnecessary trouble by parties coming to the library at irregular hours, some as late as 11 o’clock at night.’ This led to the hours of attendance being advertised.In 1875 a letter writer to the Illawarra Mercury lamented the fact that the Borough of Wollongong had not managed to open a library due to disagreement over where it should be located while libraries had been established successfully at nearby Gerringong and Kiama. By 1876 there were 18 free libraries in the colony of New South Wales, with the Gerringong library having 429 volumes in its collection and 703 readers over six months. The Kiama library had 1,245 volumes with 874 readers while the Shellharbour library had 1,050 volumes and 112 readers. The amount of money spent on books for Gerringong was considerable in terms of the council’s total budget. This led to some angst over what books should be purchased for the collection. A number of prominent local men were invited to help in the selection, including the Member for Kiama in the Legislative Assembly, S. W. Gray.In 1877 the free library and the librarian Mrs Scott, as well as council meetings, shifted to a new building that was described in the Kiama Independent as ‘void of architectural beauty’ and not suitable for ‘the requirements of Gerringong as a public building for public meetings, lectures, &c. The council made an unwritten agreement for Mrs. Scott to use the space for free in return for acting as librarian. This arrangement proved satisfactory for both sides until amended in 1891 to have Mrs. Scott pay some rent. Alderman James then noted that the librarian’s duties were very light as library records showed that borrowers themselves made the entries for taking out and returning books. When Mrs. Scott died at 85 in 1927, after over 40 years at Gerringong, her obituary noted that as librarian for many years, ‘she was brought in touch with all classes to the community, and by her fine character won the respect of all with whom she came in contact.’ Clive Emery recollected that she used to give children sweets while their parents were choosing books.The library was moved to the new RSL Memorial Hall in November 1921 and then to the Town Hall in 1959 where it remained until 2021 when it moved into our grand new library in Blackwood Street along with the new museum. GLAM!

Pit toilets at Foxground Public School
Pit toilets at Foxground Public School

19 October 2024, 8:00 PM

Toileting may not be the most pleasant of topics from yesteryear.Today most people have the luxury of flush toilets. However, before this modernisation, pit toilets were the only type you had. At a homestead you would have a ‘dunny’ in the outhouse down the back. It would be a hole in the ground covered by a pan. At night you had to be careful when walking out there with a lantern. Very unpleasant during a storm or in the middle of winter. Blowflies would be a curse in summer! I’m reminded of the old song, ’There was a redback on the toilet seat when I was there last night’.. Toilet paper might consist of cut up newspapers. If you're lucky!For me personally the only experience I had of pit toilets was when setting up camp in the bush. As a scout you had one as an essential item of a well set up camp. We had strict rules as to how far from the camp or a river it had to be.Gerringong Public School 1935.Which brings me to the toilets at school. Never the most pleasant place even today. However, the toilet blocks that students now use are a luxury compared to those of 100 years ago. Flush toilets were a dream of the future. No, there was great rejoicing if a pit toilet appeared in the playground 100 years ago.  Here is a tale from Clive Emery of such an event at Foxground Public School and a subsequent incident. Anybody who says life at school was their best ever time has a very selective memory. Although Foxground was a ‘bush’ school, I imagine it was not any better in the inner city.Now you also need to recognise that in one teacher schools there was often not a teacher on duty in the playground during breaks. The teacher usually lived in a house next door to the school and would go there to have lunch. Life for students in an unsupervised playground may not have always been pleasant.In the tale below the names have been changed to protect the innocent -and the guilty!Jackie down the Hole - by Clive EmeryThose who lived in Foxground at the time will remember the tide of progress which brought us a pair of pit toilets at the old roadside school in the late twenties.Indeed, not even the pending Great Depression could hold back this wave of expenditure by the Education Department, for in the same year the one-roomed, one-teacher school was painted, and an extra water tank installed, and two, one-hole toilets erected.Now the Foxground Primary school toilets were, to the little Valley community, a milestone which turned into a millstone as successive new seasons' hats disappeared down the holes, and culprits were made to stand out behind the weather-shed on Friday afternoons when the rest of the school had story-reading. Your scribe lost one, as did Esther Cullen and a number of other pupils. Esthers was first chucked up in a gum-tree, but it blew down in the wind, only to descend to its inevitable lonely grave at playtime.The fascination of a huge pit being dug was an absorbing event for the Foxground kids, as ’Kempy’(the teacher) appointed prefects in the playground each lunch hour to keep the little ones away. What the prefects got up to while Kempy was down at his home having lunch was another matter, for a Kangaroo Court procedure of the otherwise lawless groups elevated some of them to magisterial might, trying those accused of minor offences, and handing out instant sentences.And so it came to pass that young Jacky, a habitual offender whose daily appearances for judgement taxed the imagination of even the Foxground school prefects, was given the ultimate sentence- and why hadn’t they thought of it before? … Jacky was to be lowered down the hole!It was immediately questioned as to whether he would fit through the fixed seats, and would it be more punitive lowering him into the girl’s pit (as the boys had only just begun operating) and was more or less clear and brand new? Devious young minds posed the question, a couple ran up with a ruler and measured the hole and then across Jacky’s shoulders- Jacky standing calmly, not believing his fate.Yes- he would fit alright…and Jacky froze on the spot!The big boys grabbed him and took him into the tin enclosure while some of the bigger girls and a few boys started to have slight misgivings. What if he drowned in it? What if the rope broke? Suppose they couldn’t get him up again before Kempy got back?No, they’d lower him till his feet touched IT, and then pull him up! The frightening sentence was carried out with sadistic shrieks from the executioners, but happily for this story, and young Jacky, the rope held; he was hauled to safety, and it was quite safe to assume that if ever Old Kempy heard of it, it would not be Jacky who told him!

Playing cricket in Gerringong 100 years ago
Playing cricket in Gerringong 100 years ago

05 October 2024, 9:00 PM

By Mark Emery - memories from Clive EmeryReading the Bugle’s last issue, I noticed that yet again, Gerringong has won the group 7 rugby league premiership. The club has produced many magnificent players. Some like Paul Quinn, Rod Wishart and Michael Cronin have represented our country.However, the footy boots have now been packed away and attention moves to a different set of sports. One of those, of course, is cricket.A hundred years ago Gerringong was very strong in both cricket and rugby league. Gerringong Rugby League Club played in the very strong Illawarra competition and in 1925 won the premiership in front of 3000 people! Gerringong Cricket Club's A grade won the premiership in the 1925-26 season and again the following year. There was also the Gerringong and District Cricket Competition with teams such as Foxground, Crooked River and Toolijooa in full swing playing on grounds such as the one on Graham’s farm opposite the golf course. These, however, were not as lovely as the ones Gerringong CC are going to play on this season.There are few firsthand accounts of playing cricket from so long ago. However, there is one from Clive Emery, who was heavily involved in the Gerringong and District Historical Society and had a long association with cricket in the Gerringong area. Many great times were had, and lifelong friendships were made. I personally can remember playing on cement pitches as a child around 1970. When you were the home team, the first job was to drag the coir mats out that pitch and cover them ready for the game. Our coach was Norm Carradus, surely one of the most dedicated junior coaches, in any sport, that Gerringong has ever had. But, of course, the grass was always mowed and there were no big holes in the ground if you were the fielder at long on.Cricketers playing around 100 years ago did not have such luxuries. Clive’s account will give you an idea of the difficulty they had to face sometimes. Cricket days by Clive EmeryFrom the 1900s onward Gerringong had a cricket team; likewise, there was one in Berry and further south, so a competition was organised in which many teams played.One member of our Gerringong team of that era explained how he remembered milking the herd of cows in the morning, then the whole team of eleven players rode their horses to Cambewarra, a distance of almost twenty miles to play the local cricketers, and as the locals had no provisions, rode on to Nowra at twelve for a meal, then rode back to finish the game. We then rode home to Gerringong and did their milking in the dark!’The early cricket was played on a farmer’s grass paddock, in the days before concrete pitches were invented, consequently a score of twenty runs for a team took some beating! In Gerringong there were five local teams from which a team was picked to represent us in district games, which were hard fought. In the 20s we had district teams in a local district competition of our own. Omega, Toolijooa, Foxground, Crooked River and Gerringong (called the Seagulls). The Seagulls team was made up of talent from the township, and the other teams were almost entirely of dairy farmers. The pitches were strips of concrete, covered by coir mats, which were laid down before the game was to be played. The pitch at Jubilee Park in Gerringong was of glazed concrete for a time until finely woven green mats were placed thereon. The matches were keenly contested.Other grounds were usually in paddocks belonging to a certain farmer, probably the most level paddock to be found in each locality. It was fortunate if a paddock was mown of the long grass, and the games were played over two consecutive Saturdays during the morning and afternoon, with the exception of the Gerringong team that played their games on the Recreation ground (called ‘the Rec’) in the afternoon. All the others played between milking times as it were, meaning ten in the morning and until three in the afternoon with a luncheon break between twelve and half past, provided by the wives and girlfriends of team.If a farmer did not have a grass mower and mow his paddock prior to a game, it was possible for a fieldsman to trip in the luxuriant growth of the paspalum grass when attempting to field a ball. Likewise, the batsman had his own difficulty in forcing the ball to the boundary, indicated by a few white pegs, sometimes hidden in the grass. As an alternative to mowing the ground, a farmer was likely to put his herd of cows on the ground overnight to eat the grass down, and this brought problems of another nature, that of trying to clear the pitch and grounds of bovine excreta before the game!The long grass was not a problem to the fellow who had the capacity to loft the ball instead of trying to drive it, but there was the danger here of being caught out. Sometimes of course, if the grass had been mown and not raked up, the ball could lie hidden under the mown grass, and perhaps four fieldsmen spent time searching while the batsmen kept on running. All these games were taken very seriously, and in later years the scores were shown on the screen when the pictures were on in the School of Arts on a Saturday night, to the delight of the younger players, whose job it was to take a girlfriend to the pictures or have the cheaper delight of sitting beside one.Foxground team c. 100 years ago. Photographer unknown

Going to the movies at Gerringong Town Hall 50 years ago
Going to the movies at Gerringong Town Hall 50 years ago

20 September 2024, 9:00 PM

I saw a wonderful article in the Bugle about ‘Picks and flicks’ in the Town Hall in Gerringong recently. It got me thinking about those times. I would love to take the liberty of sharing some of these with you.Going to the movies was an Australian tradition 50+ years ago. TV was fine and I must admit I spent a lot of time watching Phantom Agents, The Samurai , Combat, The Monkees, Green Acres, Astro Boy and the like.But TV 50 years ago was black and white and anyway, watching big movies like The Battle of Britain just did not look the same on the small screen. It was also the idea of going out. Going to the pictures on a Saturday night was an event.There wasn’t much else to do. Yes, for a child growing up in Gerringong you could go to the Scouts and play cricket but really it was quiet during the school term. Growing up in Gerroa was even worse. Most of Gerroa 50+ years ago consisted of old fibro holiday homes. The shop would open for 15 minutes a day. A mad maniac with a machine gun would not have much effect as no-one would even notice he was there.You did have the beach of course. And yes, like everybody else I had a ‘plank’. I think they call them longboards now. You could catch a wave at Gerroa and have time to ‘walk the plank’ and ‘hang 5’. Reminds me of the song Hanging 5 by the Delltones. You needed two people to carry it down to the beach if you were just a kid.But come that magical period when the old school bell stopped ringing, during Christmas, and the place would come alive. Suddenly you could not even get on the road because there were so many cars, usually with caravans attached. The holiday places filled up and beaches were full of tourists enjoying the sun and surf. Locals would stock up just before the holidays started and hunker down on the farm until the tourists went home.And yes, these tourists were looking for something to do at nighttime with their families, as well as the local youngsters. This is where the Gerringong Town Hall and Harry and Mary Waghorn joined together to provide that.The Gerringong Town Hall is an imposing building, as I suppose all town halls are. All the big events were there. There was a stage with seating facing it. It was next door to the Gerringong Public School and in those days one of my fondest memories was performing on that stage in the annual school concert. I remember I was a thief reading Santa’s workshop.But the screen for movies was on the back wall and the seating had to be turned around. To fit more paying customers seating was put up on the stage so you might be watching a movie in the ‘stalls’. I have never really thought about how hard it must have been to move theose seats up and down the stairs.During the holiday season a movie was on every night and most of them were the ‘big’ movies for the year. As I said above, I was enthralled watching Luftwaffe planes flying across the English Channel before being jumped by Spitfires in big, bold colour set to inspirational music. My sister Merelyn fondly remembers Psycho, the James Bond movies, A Nun’s Story, and the 10 Commandments. The list goes on.A pamphlet was produced listing all the movies for the week, so you could plan your viewing pleasure. There was also a poster board out the front of the hall, about where the street library is now, with billboard posters of the movies.Every night a large crowd would gather outside the hall waiting to buy a ticket to go in. Most of the customers had a curious red glow about them due to the endless days at the beach. Naughty boys and girls would roll Jaffas down the floor. Mind you, Harry Waghorn ran a tight ship and they would get short shrift. It was a place where you took your best girl on a date and hoped to get the chance to hold hands. Nothing else mind you.Athol Noble’s general store. A place to grab a bite during Interval. They also made school lunches for Gerringong PS. Athol Noble collectionThere would always be an interval when you went to the movies in those days. People would stand at the door to the hall handing out passes. You could then go up the road to a ‘milk bar’ at Athol Noble’s store, which was roughly opposite the Anglican Church, or over the street to Aunty Connie’s where the surf shop is now. They opened specially on film nights to catch the moviegoers. Like all moviegoers for the last 100 years you would fill up on junk that you never dreamt of buying normally.On Sunday nights they would show ‘special’ films that youngsters like me weren't allowed to watch. When I got to the required age I went along to a couple and to tell you the truth, I could not see what the fuss was all about.And then at the end of January, it all came to an end. The crowds all got back into their cars, and maybe hooked a caravan on as well, and went back to wherever they came from. And sleepy Gerringong and Gerroa went back to being……well…..sleepy. At least until we did it all again next Christmas. 

Dentist Troubles in our early days
Dentist Troubles in our early days

07 September 2024, 9:00 PM

I don’t think any person can claim that a visit to the dentist is a pleasant experience. My mother, God love her, took a lot of fluoride tablets when she was pregnant, and consequently visits in my early childhood were relatively pain free. Fluoride added to drinking water these days also helps.However, you may shudder hearing about the experiences of people going to the dentist 100 years ago. It is all a true story according to my father, local historian Clive Emery.Half a century ago he wrote that his own father “was a wiz” if we ever got sick with home remedies but there was one thing he could not cure, and that was toothache; sore throats were fixed by a dusting of ground alum.  But the former required the attention of a dentist, if a mouth wash of baking soda failed to effect a cure.He wrote that in such circumstances his mother, our grandmother, mother would convince his father, my grandfather, that it was necessary to take us to the dentist, John E. King in Kiama.   His surgery was in Manning Street, at the top of a long flight of creaking stairs, and even a tearful appeal to Mother that the tooth had stopped aching, would not stop her from leading the offending tooth and its owner into the surgery, where an awful cocktail of smells, mostly chloroform, together with a howling child with a bloody handkerchief to his mouth and being borne out of the surgery by his mother. A kerosene tin with its bottom spattered with blood and teeth, was enough to convince the bravest lad to cry quits.But Mother would have none of it. Mr. King was the man to stop a boy from wailing all day about a toothache. She simply could not put up with the wailing any longer, and insisted Mr. King would fix the tooth.Upon examination, he always declared the ache was not the top tooth we pointed out, but its corresponding bottom one, so to prove he was right he pulled them both for the price of one. This wasn't a bad bargain when you look at it, but the repetition made a mess of one's permanent grinders on each visit.As it happened, we were almost anaesthetised before we sat in his chair. A short examination during which he adjusted his glasses before pronouncing a verdict which was always an extraction, we were invited to: 'open wider please,' while he advanced with the hypodermic needle and filled one's mouth with anaesthetic, and then took over with the pliers.A dentist/barber chair at the GLaM. They were interchangeable as were the users.In a trice there was a tinny sound as the tooth joined the others in the kerosene tin and would ache no more. Mother always brought one of Dad's big handkerchiefs and this was pushed into the mouth. She paid John and thanked him for his trouble, and it was down the stairs and into the car before it got any cold air into the mouth. Dad would say, 'another one gone', and start the engine and we'd head for home. It took about four hours before one's tongue was able to be used, or to swallow, for both throat and tongue had also been anaesthetized and were quite numb.Then the venerable John sold out to dentist Turton, who loved filling teeth rather than pulling them. There was another dentist named Denning who came to the Gerringong school and operated in the Memorial Hall. He didn't have a motor-driven drill like Turton but had one which he operated with a foot pedal and sent the wheels spinning with a string belt running on pulleys, and when he got it up to speed the drill was applied. In the meantime, he wrapped his arm around your head, so he wouldn't drill a hole through your cheek if it jumped out of the hole he was making for the amalgam filling.  If he happened to hit your tongue with the drill he said 'sorry' in your ear but kept on drilling. He must have learned the value of a kerosene tin during apprenticeship, for he too, brought one along for the teeth the students could spare.But I think my worst and most memorable experience was with dentist Mr. Butler of Berry whom I called upon in later years. Two days after an extraction my jaw swelled up and rested on my chest for nearly a fortnight, and when I breathed, I was accompanied by a swarm of sympathetic blowflies who were disappointed that I stayed alive!   After a month my mouth had resumed its shape, and I went back for another extraction, and I'm blowed if the same thing didn't happen!I was rinsing my mouth with a wash of Condie's crystals three times a day, and my tongue needed a shave, but I was unable to shave either my face or my tongue for the next fortnight!That was an experience I hope never to repeat!Fortunately, I retained sufficient molars to see me through, aided by a few caps of gold and porcelain, and the expertise of modern practitioners that would have sent Dad turning Catherine-wheels if he knew what they charged, for what he paid was in cold hard cash, and there was no such thing as Medicare, nor any redress under the canopy of Heaven!Those were my father Clive’s experiences of dentists in the days of yore, a recurring nightmare for every young person. So if your children are whining about a visit to the dentists, tell them they’re lucky it’s 2024.

Tales of Old Gerringong: The Miller family and Wodi Wodi memories
Tales of Old Gerringong: The Miller family and Wodi Wodi memories

23 August 2024, 9:00 PM

The Miller family in Gerringong has a long and distinguished history. There was never any shortage of Millers around if you wanted to make up a cricket or rugby league team. In fact, there were so many that on one occasion a cricket challenge match was arranged. One team had members of the Miller family, and the other was ‘leftover’ members of the Gerringong Cricket Club.Hedley Miller was a great man. In 1982, at the age of 70, he was asked to share some memories he had of his own family and of the Wodi Wodi people, who lived around the Gerringong area. The story was published in the original Gerringong and District Historical Society’s first newsletter.Note that some of the language used may be inappropriate today but in no way was any disrespect intended by the author to any person, quite the contrary. Hedley was one of several local people  who had nothing but the greatest respect for the Wodi Wodi people.Hedley Miller: I was seven-years-old when we came to live in Gerroa. This was pre-war, about 1913. Prior to that, my father was farming at Robertson. When the family had to shift everything to Gerroa we used sulkies, drays, carts, and everything was loaded. I was entrusted with driving a loaded dray down Macquarie Pass to Jamberoo in one day, while the riders brought the cattle down the mountain to 'Terragong House' where the Marks lived. We stayed there that night and milked the cattle, and came on the "Wingeewah' the next day. My brother Ray and I went to school at Gerringong and associated a lot with the blackfellows that lived at Gerroa. There were two camps, one at Werri Beach and one at Gerroa, the Dixons and Bloxomes, and they were nearly all girls. Joe Dixon was an old man, a wonderful old chap. There were 100 kids coming to the school, and I remember them. There were as many black kids as white kids. Now, at the time, Joe had been timber-getting down at David Berry's mob and one of the cedar logs had washed up on Seven Mile Beach. My brother Ray and I helped old Joe to roll the logs across the beach to his camp, which was over the river and east of the present bridge. Joe put in about nine months of hard labour chipping and made it into a cedar boat. Ray and I were the first white fellows to ride in Joe's boat. Now Joe had a sister, who was a wonderful woman, and she married a fellow by the name of John Bloxom. There were still a lot of Bloxoms in the Nowra district as far as I can ascertain. The Sims of Werri and the Dixons and Bloxoms of Gerroa were all under King Mickey of Minnamurra, which was their tribe. They were wonderful people. I recall Louie, Joe's daughter, used to sing at the school when we were kids. The Moon shines tonight on Pretty Redwings was the one she used to sing, and she won the prize at school.The only water that they got at the camp was at Malcolm's Hill on the ''Sand Track'. At one time I remember old Joe talking about some weed or other that got in the waterhole on the Hill. They went onto Bill Sharp's place where the windmill was in later years and there was a good spring there. They walked to school, the black children and all of us kids, there was no bus to take you to school those days. We had a sulky between the Stainer kids, the Walker kids and the Miller kids. Sometimes, the sulky had nine in it. The black children walked to school and there were quite a lot of them.Joe Dixon was an old man when this happened. He used to keep wickets for the old Crooked River team before and after the war, I expect.The Sims were at Werri beach. Old Jackie Sims used to work for the Sharpes (my wife's father) years and years ago. His great grandson Eric Simms played for South Sydney. Their camp was under the big figtree at Werri Beach, everyone knows where that is. They did have some disagreements, the Sims, Dixons and Bloxoms. But they were under King Mickey of Minamurra. I remember Joe telling me that they could not have any tribal law at all unless King Mickey sanctioned it. Joe was a big man, too. He grew a snow-white moustache in later years. He was a very fine old chap, Joe Dixon. Wal Dixon, Joe’s son, became a pretty good footballer for the Kiama Rugby League Club.I would like to correct an error from the last issue’s story on Gumboot throwing. I said that the chemist in Gerringong was Greg Wishart. I apologise – actually, it was Graeme.  

Kiama Municipality celebrates 165 years
Kiama Municipality celebrates 165 years

12 August 2024, 7:00 AM

On August 11, 1859, the Municipality of Kiama was officially proclaimed, marking the birth of a community that would grow and evolve over the next 165 years. The municipality was divided into three wards: Jamberoo, Gerringong, and Kiama, laying the foundation for local governance.The first council meeting took place on September 26, 1859, at the Adams Hotel. James Colley was elected as the inaugural Mayor, leading a newly formed council that faced the challenges of defining the municipality's boundaries. In fact, the council had to reach out to the New South Wales Government to obtain an official map, highlighting the early uncertainties of municipal governance.Among the council's early initiatives was the establishment of a rates system - a decision that was met with immediate discontent among residents. Despite its unpopularity, the rates system has persisted and remains a cornerstone of local government funding.Thankfully, not all of the council's initiatives were met with such resistance. Over time, Kiama has blossomed into a vibrant hub of tourism, celebrated for its lush green hills, pristine beaches, scenic cycling and walking tracks, as well as a host of cultural attractions. From music festivals and artist trails to wineries, markets, and sporting events, Kiama draws visitors year-round, showcasing the area’s unique blend of natural beauty and cultural vitality.This thriving tourist scene stands in stark contrast to a rather scathing review from 1887, which described Kiama as “prettily situated, but one of the dullest places conceivable.” The writer did note one redeeming feature: “Just outside the town, near the lighthouse, is a wonderful freak of nature, the Kiama Blowhole.”As Kiama celebrates its 165th anniversary, it is clear that the town has transformed from a sleepy coastal village into a sought-after destination that continues to attract tourists and residents alike. Further information can be found on Council’s website: List of Mayors and Councillors 1957-2024.

Gerringong, church and gumboots
Gerringong, church and gumboots

10 August 2024, 9:00 PM

Speaking to my sister the other day, she told me that Gerringong Church of England was having its 150th anniversary this year. Now I know that other people better qualified than me will be writing about the history of the church at some later date. However, I wanted to recall a funny moment 52 years ago.As a child the Church of England was a big part of my family’s life. I can distinctly remember going to church and Sunday School every Sunday. My Mum was poached from the Methodist Church to be an organist when she married Dad. You had to get dressed up in your ‘Sunday best’, clothes you only ever wore once a week. One enduring memory I have was going to Church on a windy night, as we have a lot of in Gerringong, and not being able to hear a single word the minister was saying.There were so many great people in the church community. Some in particular I remember were Tony Britten, a kind gentle, man who was superintendent of the Sunday School among other things. He lived in a lovely old house with beautiful grounds just out of Gerringong on the Princes Highway. Lauris Buckman was a lovely human being who always had a smile on her face. She lived by herself in what was then, the last house in Gerringong along the road out towards Weir’s farm. Greg Wishart was another that comes to mind. He and his wife Gwen ran the chemist's shop. He was a dynamic man and the sort of person you need to have in an organisation if you want things done. I seemed to recall he had a son who was a handy league player!The ministers like Canon Wesley Gurvin, Rev Len Harriss and Canon Dillon were men who did not just conduct sermons on Sunday. It was not a ‘job’, it was a passion. They were on call to administer spiritual advice whenever needed, for example providing benevolent comfort for a person at the end stage of their life. They always had a smile and a positive attitude.Back row G. Wishart, L.Buckman, M, Wrigley, D. Weir, E. Cullen, C. Emery, N. Parrish. Front O.Young, K.Johnson, Rev, L.J.Harriss, Canon W.D. Girvin, T. Cuthbertson, T. Britten. The Church committee 50 years agoBut of course this church was an integral part of what was, and still is to a lesser degree than 1972, a dairying town. At the Xmas party every year, little kids, including myself, would eagerly await the arrival of Santa in the church hall. We would sing Christmas carols and he would always walk in the door as we sang ‘Jingle bells’. It was consequently my favourite. I always noticed that Santa wore gumboots and thought they must be cold in the snow.Speaking of gumboots. Every year the church would have an annual picnic as most churches would do. It was a highlight of the year with lots of entertainment for the entire church and town community. Of course a big attraction was always the hayride behind one of the farmers with their tractor. But the church committee in 1972 wanted to come up with something a little different that year. Being a farming community, someone came up with the idea of a gumboot throwing competition.Some of the young members with Ivy Parrish on the rightOrganisation for this great competition began in earnest. A strict set of rules was written. This was not going to be a ‘hit and giggle’ affair. It was serious business. Maybe it might take off and even be an Olympic event!The church fair was a great success on a beautiful night in November that year. The gumboot throwing competition was indeed a crowd favourite with stiff competition for the glory of being number one. There may have been howls of laughter from the spectators watching grown men hurling a regulation sized gumboot like a hammer thrower in the Olympics but for the competitors, most of whom were dairy farmers, it was a matter of honour. I do not recall who was the ultimate winner. Maybe somebody out there in the Gerringong community has an old dusty trophy on the mantelpiece from 1972.Despite the intense work on the part of the church committee and the success of the competition, I do not recall it becoming an annual event and it quickly died out. I do remember reading, however, that Taihape, a town in New Zealand, no doubt a farming community, took on gumboot throwing as a serious sport and hosts a festival every year. The Anglican Church of Gerringong has a long history and has always been an important part of the local community. I am sure that it will continue to do so for many years into the future. Photo credit: Emery Archives

Medical help in the olden days
Medical help in the olden days

27 July 2024, 7:00 PM

Life was tough 100 years ago but especially tough if you suffered an injury or became sick. When my Uncle Ivor was old, he told a story of when he was a little boy living in Lower Bucca which illustrates some of the difficulties faced. You have to realise that calling a doctor when you lived on a farm out of town was not as simple as ringing up and he would just pop around. Firstly, you often did not have access to a telephone in the house. Secondly a doctor may have to rig up the horse and cart, travel slowly on dirt roads across flooded creeks to where the patient was. Even if they had a car, it was not as reliable as the ones we have today.  On many occasions you were on your own for quite a while.My father worked in the bush as a timber cutter during the war. He recalled that serious accidents did happen, and a patient just had to endure the long and painful trip out of the bush for treatment. Childbirth for mothers to be, could be a nightmare.Two reflections below may make your hair stand on end but they are true.Ivor Emery lived in Foxground and Gerroa during his life and was, among other things, a brilliant cricketer in the Gerringong district. Ivor Emery: Our nearest doctor was in Coffs Harbour 16 miles away, and the nearest telephone in the town two miles distant, and thus it was first aid applied by either mother or dad, that had to suffice. Dad was particularly good at first aid, but if there was blood it shook mother up as she had to be his assistant. I remember having my little toe severed and the next almost the same. Dad applied kerosene and bound the toe back on and it grew quite well. Another time I was bitten by a black snake.The doctor's car was being repaired at the time. My uncle had ridden across the flooded creek for help - the bridge having been washed away in the flood - to ring for assistance. In his absence my dad administered first-aid before harnessing the horse in the sulky, and with me in my mother's arms, forded the flooded creek which rose up to their knees in the sulky.  We met the doctor in his car mid-way to Coffs, and he took my mother and I back to the hospital there. After some time I recovered.There were many accidents with workers in the bush. It was a significant part of pioneering. My uncle slashed his boot and foot when his axe slipped when log-cutting and nearby bled to death. Between Miss Gray and dad they attended him for two hours until the doctor arrived. They massaged his heart and administered spirits to his lips. The doctor wryly said that they had used enough spirits to keep a horse alive! My uncle recovered despite the significant consumption of the abovementioned spirits.Clive Emery continues with his memories:Clive Emery: When my siblings and I were young we suffered from all the usual diseases common to the schoolchildren of the day. Complaints like measles, blight, mumps, whooping-cough, croup, diphtheria, and sometimes constipation plagued us during our school days.  With four of us going to school at one time, if one caught the measles, the rest had to stay at home and mother, realising it would go through the house. She boarded us all in the one room so we would all catch it at the one time, and not be home for weeks on end. She was a good organiser, as time proved, and in no time our faces were spotted like a peewit's egg.  What with all our complaints and bruises I often wondered how we survived - the boys especially - because of the accidents we sustained. I think we only survived because dad was our doctor. (By a strange coincidence I have his elementary medical book in my library!)Perhaps one of the most painful things was a succession of boils I managed to contract on my limbs, and red streaks appeared at the nearest glands, be they in the groin or in the armpit, and they swelled. Boils had to run their course, and mother prepared hot poultices of bread and sugar to apply, to bring them to the bursting stage as soon as possible, when dad took over and opened them with his razor. They were so painful the limb had to be supported in a sling.At dad's judgement of the 'right time', a dish of hot water with salt was brought and the offending boil dipped therein until the pain equalled that of the infection. More hot water was brought and the bathing continued until the swelling burst and dad applied pressure to exude the matter and the wound cleansed with more salt water and bound up to heal.It was not until the advent of penicillin that boils just withered away.For bodily complaints castor oil was administered with the desired results, while cuts were healed by a single administration of kerosene, for that valuable commodity was responsible for dad's successes with his stock as well as his family - that and salt!’

The Gerringong farming story of Bobby the calf
The Gerringong farming story of Bobby the calf

20 July 2024, 8:00 PM

By Clive EmeryJust another day in the life of a farmer - here’s a lovely story about Bobby - a calf that had to be hand reared. It was just a week since I had transferred all my cattle from the Blackhead area to the 'dam' paddock (so called because it was watered by an everlasting spring) constructed 45 years ago during one of the many 'dry' seasons the coast periodically experiences. The dam was situated below this eternal spring.I had waited to do the transfer of the cattle until a matronly beast had calved, and having observed the event was over and a little calf at her side, the cattle were called to the gate and admitted into a new paddock. They had hardly entered before they began to graze on the lush fresh pasture. Returning home, I marked down the date of transfer: 10.12.1995.On the morning of December 17, with breakfast over, I received a call from Vivienne Atkins of Gerroa to say that with the aid of her binoculars she could see a little black and white calf near Shelly Beach, and thought it could belong to me. I thanked her and said I would investigate at once, since I had recently transferred the cattle, and thought the calf could have slipped through the fence.The dawn found me with the cattle, and noted the mother and calf, which was pleasing to all parties. However since Shelly Beach was a considerable way off and the lady had taken the trouble to ring, I felt a thorough investigation should be done. As I crested the ridge and Shelly Beach came into view, sure enough there I spotted a calf resting near the boundary fence under the shelter of a small tree. Hastening down I found a little bull calf well and strong, and upon examination I found it to be a twin! It was apparent the Mother had brought it to life that night after the first birth, and it had slipped under the fence. The two calves had been born 600 metres apart!  Gathering the little fellow in my arms I carried him to the top of the hill to his mother. He could not have had any sustenance for seven days, and was indeed a hungry fellow. His mother was interested in him, but was not going to allow him to have a suck, and kicked him off each time he made an attempt to suckle her.I tried with the two calves, but she would only take her first-born and not the second. It was frustrating for all concerned. It had rained during the seven days, and her 'smell' on the little one was not strong enough for her to admit ownership of him, which is not unusual.I left them to become acquainted in peace, and would come over in the early morning, which is when mothers and babies usually suckle. It is a good time to be on hand to help.  However, the mother was still determined her second calf was not going to suckle her, and after half an hour with my help she consistently refused to cooperate.Gathering the little fellow in my arms once more I placed him in my lorry and brought him home to rear. My wife Elva was not amused at all at us having the responsibility of another baby, but relented rather reluctantly. It was twenty-six years since I had done such a thing, of which she was aware.'Bobby' I called him, and from the first moment he was an eager feeder, relishing the sweetened milk offered. I had an ideal shed for him in the back garden, and in a few days we became quite good friends, and it was not long before he recognised my voice and his own name, and would arise to welcome me immediately I called. While he fed he wagged his tail to demonstrate his enjoyment, and I massaged his back meanwhile, just as his mother would have done licking him, and he bunted the bucket just as he would if he was feeding from his mother.After each meal we would go for a race among the shrubbery in the back garden, with me leading the way. At first I would not try to elude him, but I soon found he could keep pace with me, and we made a game of it. I began to dodge among the bushes and he would take short cuts and catch me up and bunt me.As he grew stronger I changed his diet a little, and gradually encouraged him to eat grass and grain. I bought some calf pellets and introduced them to his diet by putting them in his mouth to chew, and after feeding time leave some in his bucket for later. Yesterday I caught Elva taking a peep at him over the fence and calling his name. She was pleased to see that Bobby was coming along so well.In time he was released into the grass paddock to care for himself, but he would always raise his head if anyone said the word 'Bobby'.I will miss him of course; he was so responsive, but one cannot go on racing about the garden like a madman, can one?

Life in Gerringong for farm boys and girls 100 years ago
Life in Gerringong for farm boys and girls 100 years ago

13 July 2024, 9:00 PM

So, your children are complaining about how hard life is nowadays. Get them to compare their life with this account, written by Clive Emery, from when he was a child about 100 years ago:The education of a country boy or girl is not limited to the classroom. In my own experience, a lot of learning took place beyond textbooks and school curriculum. Experience, a great teacherThis is an area where the country child had an advantage over their city cousin, as we discovered when they were visiting us during school holidays. Some of the duties we performed filled them with horror, like the killing and skinning of calves and the beheading, plucking and cleaning of roosters for the baking pan, but a quite ordinarily part of life in the country. The milk they drank came out of a bottle, and they shook with excitement or terror to be asked to touch a cow's teat and draw forth a few drops of milk.There were farm duties, which simply had to be done: the milking, the washing, the cleaning, the gathering of the cattle, the feeding of cows, of calves, of pigs and horses and the ploughing of land and the sowing of crops all done in all weathers. Not just on one day, but every day in rain, hail or sunshine.This was much self-discipline in getting out of bed at the crack of dawn each morning and dressing oneself ready for work. When the milking was finished, there was the separation of cream from the milk, the turning of the separator, 55 turns per minute exactly – almost one per second – or the butterfat test would be low. That was where I learned to count, every minute of every day. And so apportion time to my greatest and smallest task, which led me to believe there was not a minute to be lost and life was too short to waste a day, forever timing myself in all occupations.The understanding schoolmasterCalf-feeding time, with a dozen heads poking through bars of a gate, straining, eager, hungry. Two heads to a bucket of frothy separated milk: The bunting, the sucking of ears or fingers afterwards, the satisfaction of feeling you were needed. The calves were dependent upon your ability to satisfy their appetite, you were their master and that was a responsibility, a trust if you like, and also a joy! It was the same with all the animals and poultry. Each boy was allotted his own tasks to manage and to discharge.Breakfast on school mornings was usually eaten as the school bell was ringing. Neither my brother nor I was ever in the playground to hear it ring, despite our efforts. The schoolmaster never demanded a note when we sat in class late, and we were given time to copy the chalked message from the board. The only notes taken were to explain our reason for missing school days, and they were exceptional.Saturdays may be a holiday from lessons at school, but it was not a holiday on the farm. There were fences to repair, ferns to brush, tussocks to dig or cattle to muster – perhaps all four, depending on the day and the urgency. We had a boundary of about eight kilometres of fencing to maintain, and it fell to me most Saturdays to service these fences, carrying hammer and staples and a small roll of barbed wire, in case of need.Adventures in the mountainsSundays between breakfast and lunch were often spent climbing the mountain forests, if the farm work was up to date, we scaled the cliffs for rock lilies in the spring, called the Wongas in the dank forest, or listened to the shrill calls of the lyrebird, or sat by a mountain stream to wait for the birds or foxes or native cats coming to slake their thirst. In the grassland, we set snares where the hares had their running tracks and trapped the rabbits on their favourite mounds. We sat by the mountain moses watching the bees watering, and then followed them to their nests, often trying the methods the black used. That of attaching a piece of thistledown to the sucking bee to make it more visible on its way to the nest, with little success, however.Then it was back home for a quick wash and dress for Sunday school before milking time, walking another mile to the church; perhaps a chance ride with Mr. Rankin in his Sulky, if there was room, mostly not for our troop of four or five was too large. After the psalms, it was back to bring the herd in for milking.The world at our feetWe always ran a garden throughout the year, learned the vegetables and their seasons for cropping and harvesting, and were applauded for our results by the household in general.  We participated in exhibitions and competitions with moderate results, always striving for excellence in type and taste.We fished the creek for perch, mostly at night, with tiny lanterns with light enough to see to bait the hook, while the owls hooted, and the flying foxes screeched as they fed in the big Moreton Bay Fig nearby.Before we left school, we were ploughing fields, erecting three-rail fences using axe and adze and mortising axe, riding horses and laying concrete.We could identify birds by their call, if not by sight, and trees by their fruit, if not by their flower. We collect the eggs of the water goanna and hatched them on the verandah floor in the sun for a lark, saw the leathery egg begin to wriggle then split open and the lively youngsters make immediate haste to the shelter of a garden bed of flowers within seconds of their birth.The world was at our feet in the valley! It was alive with life, possibilities and places for experiment and achievement. We indulged in family and competition sports at every opportunity and read books by E.S.Ellis and Zane Grey, which whetted out appetites for adventure, believing everything was within reach if one only stretched out one's hand for it.

The Old Jamberoo Dairy Coop
The Old Jamberoo Dairy Coop

14 June 2024, 12:00 AM

The days when 50 dairy cows were enough to permit you a good, decent life in the prime dairy farming country around Jamberoo have long gone. Geoff Boxsell, 84, remembers the days when there were 96 farms providing milk on a daily basis to the Jamberoo Dairy Coop.Now there’s ten. And the Coop itself has disappeared. Something of a local historian, agricultural consultant Lynne Strong describes Geoff Boxsell as a legend, a living link to the area’s colourful rural past.When Geoff joined the Coop as foreman in 1959 at the age of 20 after studying dairying technology at Hawkesbury College, there were 23 workers at the Jamberoo Dairy Factory and it was a central part of village life. Admired in the industry, Geoff worked at the Coop until 1985 when it merged with Nowra Dairy Co-op to form Shoalhaven Dairy Co-op, which involved building a new dairy in Bomaderry. As he explains, Jamberoo was unique amongst dairy Coops because it focused on producing butter, powdered milk for ice cream and sweetened condensed milk rather than bottled milk. Geoff’ remembers the profound impact of simple things, well simple from the vantage point of 2024, such as electric fencing, mechanisation, and the government run quota system, which ensured a continuous supply of milk throughout the year in the Sydney Zone (from Wauchope to Milton) but also made winners and losers in a tightly controlled system. As he recalls, the manufacturing would start up at 4am, and from 7.30am the forecourt was filled with the noise of carriers and farmers bringing in the milk off the farms building throughout the morning. “The coop employees would be upending the ten gallon cans of milk by hand. Meanwhile we would be supporting the manufacturing operations – the evaporators, the butter churn, the cream pasteuriser and the roller dryers for powdered milk.“When I was a kid, some used to bring milk down to the factory in a horse and cart. But a lot of dairy farmers used carriers rather than bringing it in themselves, the ones down at Jones Beach, East Beach.”Geoff puts down the demise of Co-ops to ageing plants, insufficient capital, and that the coops were owned by dairy farmers, causing a conflict between adequate payment for manufacturing milk and retention of funds for necessary works. Change, as far he’s concerned, was inevitable.One of the most evident signs is the disappearance of the cattle known as Illawarras, or the Australian Illawarra Shorthorn, which are basically gone now but were famous in the day for their rich colouring and milk production. Local agricultural consultant Lynne Strong wants to emphasise that despite the decreased numbers of farmers involved, dairy is not a sunset industry. “Those ten farms produce more milk than the 96 farms once did. After the deregulation of the dairy industry in Australia in 2000, the previously protected milk prices were no longer regulated by the government. This significant change exposed dairy farmers to market forces, removing the price guarantees that had been in place prior to deregulation and milk price per litre of milk dropped by half.“Our Jamberoo farmers were very very proud of their Co-op. We had quite a diversity, from large to very small farms. And the Co-op was an important part of their social life. They would bring their milk to the factory, then spend time talking to the locals, go over to the coop office to buy their butter. Everybody knew everybody. They could also get all their farm supplies there. “The odd farmer would go from the factory to the Jamberoo pub for lunch, it was a very social time.“One local character used to take his bull to the pub, it would stand at the door and wait for him. There were so many stories.  “These days it’s very very serious business, and you would never, never think of doing that.”Nostalgic as memories of the old dairy farming life are, for local historians and for the area’s increasing number of tourists it’s interesting to note that the south coast was one of the major centres for the birth of the coop movement which brought prosperity and certainty to the lives of many rural families.The very first dairy coop, indeed the very first agricultural coop in Australia, was formed in this area. A research paper on Illawarra Cooperatives by Mike Donaldson and Ian Southall from the University of Wollongong records that with poor remuneration from Sydney agents the 1870s had been tough on South Coast farmers. “On Friday, 15 October 1880, farmers met at the Kiama Courthouse and formed the South Coast and West Camden Cooperative and determined ‘by the instinct of self-preservation’ to revolutionise their industry with Australia’s first successful attempt at co-operative marketing. “Illawarra and Shoalhaven farmers immediately withdrew their consignments from ‘the system’ and sent their produce instead to the fledgling cooperative. On Mondays and Thursdays steamers arrived from Wollongong, Kiama and Shoalhaven.” The greatest agitator for the Cooperative turned out to be the owner of The Kiama Bugle’s predecessor, The Kiama Independent. Originally posing as an anonymous “Dairyman”, the then proprietor Joseph Watson used the pages of his newspaper to advocate forcefully for cooperatives. By the end of that decade the South Coast Cooperative was responsible for selling 87% of NSW butter, and the dairy coop movement spread up and down the coast. By the end of the 1880s more than a dozen dairy cooperatives were operating on the south coast. It would be more than a century, in the 1990s, before the Jamberoo coop would close.Dave Hall, a well known Jamberoo resident whose father was the local butcher, remembers the old factory fondly. “It was a real meeting place, because a lot of the farmers used to come down, mainly in the morning, with all the milk in cans. It was pretty social. All the people who worked there were locals. “We used to be friends with one of the farmers, and I used to go up for the milking. They would all put all the cans on the back of the tractor trailer, you could sit on the top of the cans and head through town. It was exciting. I used to love it. You’d never get away with it now. “The farmers are still around Jamberoo, but a lot of them have retired. Everyone knew it was coming.” And remnants of those vanished lifestyles, early hours, hard work, the smell and sound of the cattle you knew by name, trundling your milk cans down to the factory coop, the perhaps not so occasional raucous meeting in the much loved pub, can still be found scattered across the region. Times might have been tough, but they didn’t have to deal with the constant angst created by mobile phones, social media, nor the overwhelming feeling of scepticism which has spread across our country as people lose faith in their government, their politicians and their national identity. The pub is still there, the stone walls which kept the cattle in their paddocks are in many cases being restored, and dilapidated farm sheds still bring back that wonderful atmosphere of yore, a time of hard work and common decency.Jamberoo Factory Achievements:Pioneering Milk Quota System: Jamberoo Factory was the first to propose a quota system to the Milk Board in the 1950s, ensuring a consistent milk supply for sweetened condensed milk production. This groundbreaking initiative stabilized milk supply in the region and set a precedent for managing milk production nationwide.Manufacturing High-Quality Butter: Jamberoo Factory developed a process for improving the quality of butter by adding a bacterial culture, like yoghurt, to the cream separated from high quality milk supplies from local farms.Supreme Champion Dairy Product, 1976: Jamberoo Factory's bulk box of butter was awarded Supreme Champion Dairy Product in Australia in 1976, surpassing all other dairy products including cheese, milk powder, milk, yogurt, and ice cream.Innovative Spreadable Butter: Jamberoo Factory experimented with the creation of spreadable butter by mixing cream and vegetable oils, a highly successful product innovation created before it was legal, so it couldn’t be marketed. Dual Payment System: Milk destined for manufacture of dairy products was always paid for  on the basis of its butterfat component alone. In July 1965, Jamberoo Co-op introduced a dual payment system, the first operating in Australia, involving payment for skim milk solids content as well as for butterfat. The system is now universal in Australia but uses butterfat and protein, protein being the most important component of skim milk solids.

Memories of Foxground long ago
Memories of Foxground long ago

09 June 2024, 12:00 AM

It is clearly understood that early settlers, both men and women lived a hard life. Something that is often lost forever is the folklore of the times. In order to retain some of this, we print the following anecdotes that epitomise the character and comradeship of the Foxground folk. Cedar-cutting was an early industry. Logs were felled and drawn over a deep pit or gully, where one man, Harry Stokes, as ‘bottom dog’ could saw all day, and then leap out of the 180 cm deep pit in a standing jump!    Another strong man, Frank Herbert, had been known to put two half-grown pigs in bags, and walk out of the Valley over Saddleback Mountain without putting them to the ground.            Pat O’Keeffe spent the whole of his long working life testing milk at the factory, smelling and /or tasting hundreds of thousands of cans of untreated milk. Let it not be said that milk is harmful - he lived to be 98.Pat knew his job, and once rejected a supplier's milk for two days in a row for a foreign odour until it was discovered one cow in the herd was grazing a patch of garlic.    One farmer who hailed from South Africa used to cool his can of cream in a well overnight, raising the lid for ventilation. During the night his greyhound pup knocked the lid off and fell into the cream.The farmer had to rush to rescue said pup. It came out covered in cream. Telling his story, he was asked what he did with the cream. ‘Well, I scraped him down and put the lid on and sent the cream to the factory, of course.’ It was hoped Pat didn’t taste that one! Nearly every wedding in those times was celebrated with a tin-kettling. Neighbours and friends would foregather at the home of the newly-weds and serenade them by banging tins and billies and other objects that could generate noise. On one occasion the newly-weds would not open the door to them, so a wet bag was placed over the chimney to smoke them out! Jokes of all kinds were attempted, and on one occasion a young calf was put to sleep under the young couple’s bed. Like all young calves he woke up for a feed early in the morning, with a hair-raising result!      One early settler was known to have walked over Saddleback Mountain each Saturday night, to court his girlfriend and back home to do his milking the next morning. He should have brought her with him!         Foxground in flood. Date UnknownEntertainment was simple in the early days; corn-husking parties were held on nights with dances on the verandas or in the barns, to the tunes of an accordion. Card-playing was popular with the older folk.Bill Cullen was a proud breeder of red Illawarra cattle, and when one of his best cows calved one night, a joker took the red calf and replaced it with a white one, probably a jersey, to the shock of the owner when he came to inspect the newly born!A true story is told of a farmer who used to balance his one keg of butter with a bag of stones on the packhorse on the trip to the Kiama wharf. When his production required an extra keg, he borrowed another horse to carry the second keg and more stones! Surely it would have been easier..if..?    Late one summer’s night during the war an aeroplane crashed on Bong-Bong Mountain, on the rim of the Valley. In the rush to be first there in the pea-soup fog many got hopelessly lost. Close to one hundred men rushed to the scene. Len Flint and his party reckoned they climbed over the same log three times during the night! Doug Blow and his party arrived home late for the morning’s milking. They all wished the plane had landed on Cullen’s flat!Sly grog was made in the early days, in a still located in a mountain cave. One man used to take along a second can of grog with his can of cream to the factory. One day on being confronted by the police, he took off for the bush with one of the cans in hand - hotly pursued by the Law. In the hurry he had grasped the can of cream, and the can of grog was disposed of by persons unknown!A girl from the same still traded the brew to a Kiama Hotel and for years was never caught. She rode a horse side-saddle with a hooped skirt, with the bottles wrapped in a blanket inside the hoop of the skirt!         Stan Leaney was a great axeman, and followed the profession to the show-ring. It was said his wife chopped the wood at home!   When we were kids at the Foxground school, one of our favourite sports was to see who could be first to tease a funnel-web spider out of his hole in the ground with a grass stem. I still shudder to think about them. Kids were cheap in ‘those good old days!’  

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