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A message to voters

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Local Contributor

20 August 2024, 2:16 AM

A message to voters

I would urge all voters to keep in mind that the 4 incumbents standing for re-election (Brown, Croxford, Draisma and Larkin), are presumably 4 of the 5 who voted to censure Karen Renkema-Lang last year. Now as has been revealed via the Court process, information was withheld from those Councillors in making their decision, by, as we have been lead to understand, the Council CEO. The resultant court action initiated by Karen cost Kiama rate payers the best part of half a million dollars. So I think all rate payers, before casting their vote in the forthcoming election should be asking themselves, firstly, what action has been initiated by your candidates against the CEO for this totally unnecessary cost to rate payers; and if no action has been taken, then why not? In any other organisation, this would be a matter that would cost those involved their job. Why is Kiama Council any different?

Allan Holder.