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Action Plan for Harbour finalised

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Cathy Law

03 December 2021, 1:07 AM

Action Plan for Harbour finalised

The NSW Government has released the final Kiama Harbour Revitalisation Action Plan to outline its vision for improvement. None of the projects are funded, but their presence in the plan will support grant funding and other investment.

Following strong opposition from the community, the original Strategic Framework (which sought to identify potential short, medium and longer term opportunities for revitalisation of the harbour precinct) was recast in August as an Action Plan focusing on short term activation opportunities.

Importantly for many, the Action Plan kept the boat ramp in its current position and retained the public car park by the Rock Pool. Consequently the round of feedback on the Action Plan was largely positive.

“We’ve listened to the community and the plan has been updated to take into account feedback and suggestions,” says Andrew Mogg, NSW Maritime Director Maritime Infrastructure Delivery.

“Of the 35 submissions received the majority were favourable of the plan and many expressed gratitude that previous concerns raised by the community had been addressed.

“The action plan includes a review in five years’ time to revisit work already delivered and allow for additional community feedback on longer term goals.”

The recommended staging and implementation approach is intended to ensure that increased commercial development opportunities in the Harbour precinct are created by investing in and upgrading the infrastructure that supports maritime activities.

One of the first steps of the Action Plan will be the establishment of a governance group, with Kiama Council and other harbour stakeholders, which will be chaired by NSW Maritime.

The Action Plan's areas of interest

In the short term, the Action Plan recommendations include repairing the rock wall on the way to the rockpool, upgrading the jetty and reinstating the pontoon, upgrading the slipway, and the temporary activation of the waterfront space at the harbour entrance, to test the community response to temporary food stalls and closing traffic for events.

Longer term projects that will be further investigated in the short term include a new large multi-use building on the site of the Scout Hall (which would provide a new home for the Scouts, the fish market and other operators), a new storage and services building located on the current fish market site, and a new multi-use community facility on School Flat to activate an events area.

The longer term vision needs more investigation

"I'm really pleased with the final result," says the Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward.

"It is an afirmation of the fact that the harbour already does the things that people want it to do. The only thing that people have raised with me is the need for basic amenity upgrades and that is what is contained in this plan."

Councillor Mark Way, who will be putting up his hand to join the governance group, is still over the moon that the boat ramp and the car parking by the rock pool are staying where they are. He is disappointed that the mini-breakwall isn't included in the Plan.

"It is vital for boating," he says.

"It would save millions of dollars in damage caused by huge north-east swells.

"Anyhow, it is all a bit pie in the sky with no money associated with any of the projects." 

A review will be conducted at the five year point, to determine the approach to the medium and long term strategies.

Full details are available here.