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Brewery/pub proposed for Collins St

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Cassandra Zaucer

02 March 2023, 12:14 AM

Brewery/pub proposed for Collins StThe proposal is housed within the old building

With its streets crowded with a range of restaurants, cafes, pubs and clubs, one thing Kiama doesn’t have is its own brewery. Locals Neil Menzies and Sam Haldane are keen to change that.


Sam and Neil – along with their partners Britt Jacobsen and Cate – have lodged a DA for a property they own together in Collins St to transform the retired vehicle repair shop that wraps around the Enhance petrol station into Kiama’s very own ‘quirky’ brewpub.

“It’s a really interesting and big space with a lot of character that’s not being utilised at the moment,” says Sam, who was lending a helping hand at Stoic Brewing when he met Neil.


“We want it to be a meeting point and a hub, not only for tourists as a destination brewery but also for locals to be proud of,” says Neil, a local property valuer who has always wanted to open a brewery.


The entrance from Collins St, through what is currently the northern part of the House 2 Home shop, will feature a welcoming outdoor beer garden.

Britt Jacobsen and Sam Haldene with son Evan, with Neil and Cate Menzies inside the building as it is now

Inside will feature a wide bar, restaurant with local produce, a range of seating, kids play area and a space for functions – both large and small – with of course the iconic large steel tanks of the brewery operation.


“We plan to have 20 taps. 12 or so beers and the rest would be house made soft drinks, seltzers and ciders. We will also have some guest taps from other local breweries, including Stoic Brewing,” Sam says.

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Andrew Prosser of Stoic Brewing says he is very supportive of another local brewery starting up.


Neil, who owns a farm in Jerrara, says their goal is to keep everything as local as possible.

“I am hoping to grow some barley for the brewery as well as provide beef from my cattle for the restaurant,” he says.


“We’re trying to do something for everyone - different offering to what's currently here and compliment other hospitality offerings. With Wildginger, The Hungry Monkey and Little Betty’s nearby, we’d love this to be a food and entertainment hub.”

The proposed beer garden entrance on the northern side of the property

In an idea that has been four years in the making so far, the DA for the hotel is on public exhibition now through the Planning Portal.

Construction will start as soon as they get the tick of approval, with hopes a grand opening will catch the end of summer next year.


They welcome contact from any local producers that are interested in getting involved as suppliers.