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Celebrating 100 Days of Kindy at Kiama’s Schools

The Bugle App

Amy Molloy

01 August 2024, 9:00 PM

Celebrating 100 Days of Kindy at Kiama’s SchoolsKiama Public School

Did you spot an army of 6-year-olds dressed like cliched pensioners roaming around Kiama? On 30 July, local schools - and schools across the country - celebrated an important milestone for Kindergarten students: 100 days of Kindy (or 100 Days of Prep, depending on where you’re based).

Kiama Public School students

It’s hard to pinpoint where this tradition came from, but in schools in Australia (and the UK and America), it’s celebrated in an unconventional way. Kindergarten students dress up as 100-year-olds and take part in a range of 100-themed activities. (Did we mention, the teachers dress up too?)

This isn’t just about dressing up like Grannies from Bluey (parents will get that reference!). It’s a way to reinforce an important milestone in Mathematics. It just so happens that 100 days of Kindergarten falls around the time, 6-year-olds start to explore triple-figures in their Maths curriculum. 

Kiama Public School students

As part of the day, students explore 100-themed literacy, numeracy and craft ideas, including threading 100 Cheerios on a necklace and then eating it.

There is some push-back to the tradition on the internet. The fancy dress theme has been criticised for being ageist and ableist. One mum, writing on the website, bristled when her little boy asked if he could “take one of my wheelchairs to school” to pretend to be elderly.

But, you could also argue, it’s a chance to have open conversations with your children around ageist stereotypes. “Let’s talk about the older people we know? What about Grandpa who loves to go surfing? Instead of a walking stick, how about taking a fishing rod or a golf club?”

Minnamurra Public School Students

Controversy aside, 100 Days of Kindy is all about celebration. This is an important milestone for Kindergarteners, who have traversed the anxiety of starting school and learnt so much in such a short time.

As part of the celebrations at Kiama Public School, Kindergarten students reflected on their school highlights so far.

"My favourite thing in Kindergarten is going to the library and reading books," said Tiana. Meanwhile, Charlotte shared, "I loved performing our class play at assembly" and Charli said, “My favourite day in Kindergarten was Pyjama Day.”

As Minnamurra Public School said in an email to parents, “We are so proud of our Kindergarten students and all they have achieved so far this year.”

Congrats to all Kindy students (and their care-givers) on 100 amazing days so far!