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Chaos at Kiama Council as cops called to Chambers

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Brendon Foye

01 February 2024, 7:21 AM

Chaos at Kiama Council as cops called to Chambers

This article has been updated with a new version which details the full course of events, which you can read here. The Bugle stands by the accuruacy of its reporting.

A dramatic scene erupted at Kiama Council Chambers meeting Thursday 1 Feb as NSW Police were called in to remove protesting members from the gallery.

A strong contingent from the United Services Union attended the Extraordinary Meeting on 1 February 2024 to witness what was supposed to be a debate on whether to instigate a review into sales process of Blue Haven Bonaira. 

When Mayor Neil Reilly ruled that the motion as Councillor Kathy Rice had submitted that morning would not be debated, members of the Union let their disapproval be vocally known by disrupting the meeting.

Mayor Reilly asked CEO Jane Stroud to call the police to remove the Union members from the gallery. However, once removed, Police informed the media and other citizens in attendance they would not be allowed to re-enter the building.

Four union members refused to leave, and were peacefully escorted out by Police approximately 20 minutes later when they arrived.

More to come…

This article was updated at 7:32pm to clarify that Police were not asked to remove the media from the gallery. Police informed the media they would not be allowed to re-enter Council Chambers once protesters were removed.