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Draft Harbour Action Plan released

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Cathy Law

27 August 2021, 7:09 AM

Draft Harbour Action Plan released

In what Councillor Mark Way sees as a victory for people power, the new Draft Kiama Harbour Revitalisation Action Plan keeps the boat ramp in its current position and retains the public car park by the Rock Pool.

“We have achieved our two major objectives,” he says.

“There is no other viable location for the boat ramp. It is a win for sanity, brought about by people power.

“They started off on the wrong foot by not talking to the right people in the first consultation.”

Two hundred and thirteen individual submissions were received on the draft Revitalisation Framework, and the result it that a number of long term options (such as the building of breakwalls) are not included in the Draft Action Plan, out for comment until 10 September.

“The overwhelming sentiment from the feedback received highlighted the importance of the Harbour to local residents, nearby communities and tourists,” said NSW Maritime Executive Director Mark Hutchings on the release of Draft.

“A number of key issues were raised, including the importance of the Men’s Baths [Rock Pool], the need to maintain the existing character and charm of Kiama Harbour, and a strong preference for the boat ramp to remain in its current location.”


Mr Hutchings said the feedback was taken on board, and given that a number of the medium and long-term opportunities were not widely supported, the approach was reshaped into an action plan, to focus on the short-term activation opportunities.


“We’ve simplified the action plan to be supported by three key objectives for the future development of the Harbour precinct.


“These are to celebrate local and regional attractions and activities, to respect and enhance the coastal character and environment, and to support commercial and recreational boating activities.

“Now that we’ve refined our approach, we are keen to hear the community’s thoughts on this updated plan, and we think people will see that we’ve really listened to them.”

The Draft Action Plan was developed after consideration of the submissions, but without further key consultation with stakeholders, including Council.

Online information sessions are being held on Friday, 3 September 11am – 12pm and 3pm - 4pm.

Cllr Way is glad the idea of moving the boatramp to this location has been scrapped

While happy with the victories that have been achieved, Cllr Way is frustrated it includes a new initiative that he considers unworkable.

“The solution of moving the wharf around into the harbour is just ridiculous.

“If you have ever seen that area in a nor-east swell, the water washes away the furniture at Cargos. 

“It again highlights they haven’t talked to people who know all about this stuff before proposing it.

“They would have been better off taking up my suggestion, which I have been on about for years, of creating a small breakwall at the northern entrance to the harbour, to give extra protection to the moored boats.”

He continues to believe that the proposal for a chandlery and other boating businesses, in the area where the fish market currently is, is not commercially warranted and that putting in more buildings will change the profile of the area and introduce unwanted commercialisation.

“The overarching thing is we don’t want another Gold Coast. Locals and visitors like the Harbour essentially the way it is,” he says.

“Commercialising the area will just take business away from existing businesses.”

He says most of the short term measures are already included in the 2014 Harbour Masterplan.

The Harbour's built form strategy

The Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward, welcomes the Draft Action Plan.

“I have been working with the Government on changes based on local community consultation and this plan reflects that work,” he says.

“I would encourage anyone making a submission to also send a copy to me so I can do my utmost to ensure the final plan reflects community views and concerns.”

The Chair of Central Precinct, Mark Greaves says, “I think they have really listened to the community concerns.

“The buildings they proposed remain, and will add a lot of value to the area.

“However, as we said in our submission, it should have been planned in line with the Coastal Management Scoping Study.”


Feedback on the Kiama Harbour Revitalisation Plan will be open from Monday 30 August until Friday 10 September 2021.

Full details on the Action Plan, including how to register for the information sessions and lodge your submission, are available on this web page.