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Former mayor opposes Blue Haven sell-off

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Cathy Law

17 May 2022, 2:28 AM

Former mayor opposes Blue Haven sell-off

Emeritus Mayor Sandra McCarthy has added her voice to opposition to the decision to sell Blue Haven without community consultation, and commended the lodging of a rescission motion (Blue Haven sale to be considered again).

The rescission motion is expected to be considered, again in confidential mode, at next Monday’s Extraordinary Meeting (23 May).

The decision follows the tabling of a forensic audit report that confirmed that Council was no longer financially viable without immediate and significant action. The sale of Blue Haven was proposed ‘for the purposes of sustaining the core role of the local government authority’ (Blue Haven to be sold).

However Mrs McCartney says she was heartbroken to read of the decision to sell, as she believes that it has been operating as an independent self-funding operation over its 40 years.

“I was disappointed, on reading the Council meeting notice and agenda there was no indication to sell Blue Haven in its entirety, the aged care service, public land and assets without any public announcement or awareness to the community. 

“This denied any member of the public to provide any input, make public representation to the meeting, or the matter be debated in open council.

“I am pleased that Councillors Renkema-Lang, Rice and Keast have lodged a recission motion so the matter can be reviewed, and I commend them for their diligence in this process and putting people first!”

Given residents have been comforted by the security of living in a public asset, she feels that any sale should involve thorough scrutiny and public process rather than being made in a confidential meeting.

Mrs McCarthy says Kiama earned WHO recognition as a Healthy City in 2008 largely through the quality of its aged care operations.

“As Mayor, I hosted delegations from NSW councils and overseas countries who were aware of the excellent reputation of Blue Haven and were keen to learn from Kiama’s knowledge and practice. 

“It is the role of elected councillors to determine policy and allocate the financial resources. I strongly encourage the elected councillors to support Blue Haven as a well-established and core policy of Kiama Council, as it has done so successfully for over 40 years.”

Yesterday Mayor Neil Reilly said: “I have considered the rescission motion and I will seek to have it included as a confidential item in next week’s proposed Extraordinary Meeting, where we will also be debating the draft Community Strategic Plan, the Development & Operational Plan and the Budget. The latter items will be debated in public.”