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Get some bang for your bark: Celebrating Pets with Pyrotechnic Pizazz

The Bugle App

Veronica Bardsley

12 April 2024, 1:45 AM

Get some bang for your bark: Celebrating Pets with Pyrotechnic Pizazz

It's a tale as old as time: dogs cowering under beds at the sound of fireworks. Yet, in a twist of irony, there's a booming business sending beloved pets to the heavens with a spectacular display of pyrotechnics. 

Established in 2001, Ashes to Ashes Fireworks Funerals has long been in the business of turning cremated remains into celestial constellations. But now, they've taken a leap into the world of pet funerals with a fireworks extravaganza.

The company offers a special package memorial funeral featuring a two minute fireworks tribute for your beloved best friend. And when it comes to colours, their "rainbow bridge memorial" is a hit, though they're happy to paint the night sky in any shade you wish.

But beyond the sparks and colours, there's a deeper meaning behind Pet Fireworks Funerals. "The pain of losing a pet can bring great sadness," says Founder Craig Hull, "so our funerals are about bringing a closing memory of joy and wonderment as we send your beloved pet's ashes soaring into a beautiful and memorable fireworks display."

For those intrigued by the idea of bidding farewell with a bang, reach out for more information. 


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