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Independent reviewer highlights need for upgraded and modern sport facilities

The Bugle App

Malin Dunfors

20 May 2024, 6:37 AM

Independent reviewer highlights need for upgraded and modern sport facilitiesPhoto credit: Pixabay

With a growing population at its hand, and the positive effects of physical activity on health and general well-being well-documented, the ability to access fully-functioning sport facilities for both recreational and training purposes within the Kiama district is crucial. 

However, with the Council facing potential budget cuts, investments in sports and civic assets could potentially be put on the backburner. As previously covered by The Bugle, the new Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig appointed an independent reviewer, Mr John Rayner, in December of 2023 to advise on Kiama Municipal Council’s financial circumstances. 

Rayner’s findings were made public this summer, on 1 February, and recommended several severe budget savings and efficiencies to be made within the next two years.

In Item 13.9 - Submission to Legislative Council: Inquiry into the ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services, which is included in the Agenda for the Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 21 May 2024, it is noted that: “There is a concern over investment in aged care services and commensurate consequential underinvestment in civic assets, such as swimming pools, sports fields, surf clubs, stormwater, roads, moving services etc. Increasingly the local sporting community require upgraded and more modern assets that are fit for purpose and encourage female participation. As noted in the charts and financial analysis above KMC’s ability to meet the needs to existing and future community through existing budgets falls short of community expectations and need".