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Jamberoo Red Cross tops the State

The Bugle App

Cassandra Zaucer

07 October 2022, 5:40 AM

Jamberoo Red Cross tops the StateBarbara Adams (centre) receives the trophy from Judy Harper, regional manager Red Cross (right), and Tamara Te Hula Douet from the Nowra office of Red Cross

In recognition of a massive community effort, the Jamberoo Red Cross has been awarded The Patterson Cup for raising the most money of the 175 branches in NSW.


Vice-President of Jamberoo Red Cross, Amanda Large, says being a small branch in a small town makes the win even sweeter.

 “We’re actually really stoked about it because it was a tough year for fundraising with COVID and we were absolutely amazed to get the amount that we did,” Ms Large says.


With the cancellation of their annual car show and family day, the Branch missed out on a possible $11,000, which is what they raised from the 2019 events.

President Barbara Adams

But despite the setback, they raised $52,600 in the financial year through their monthly stall at the Jamberoo Village Markets, weekly raffle at Club Jamberoo, Election Day stall and their Bunnings sausage sizzle and cake stalls.


Ms Large says they also received generous donations from local residents.

“It’s a community achievement. We have had the most incredible support, especially in a small village with only 1,600 people, we are blown away,” she says.


The money raised by Jamberoo has been directed to the 2022 flood appeal and internationally to the Ukraine crisis, as well as to supporting ongoing programs in the community, such as Young Parents, Telecross, Leaner Driver and Save A Mate.

The splendid sterling silver trophy was made circa 1856 by one of England’s most famous silversmiths, and was first awarded in 1955.