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Kiama Art Show winners

The Bugle App

Cathy Law

22 January 2023, 7:28 AM

Kiama Art Show winnersChristine Gordon-Smith (centre) receiving her prize from Kiama Leagues Club

This year's Kiama Art Exhibition, judged by prominent local artist Gary Laird, has seen Christine Gordon-Smith take out the overall award, with her striking landscape of the McDonnell Ranges.

Continuing with tradition, her painting will be purchased by the Leagues Club to hang beside previous winning paintings - including some by Gary.

The exhibition continues upstairs at the Kiama Leagues 10–5pm daily till Saturday 28 January 28, and finishes at 2pm on Sunday 29 January. All entries are for sale.

Christine with her work

The prizes awarded at the opening night were:

Best in Show                         

1st CHRISTINE GORDON-SMITH - McDonnell Ranges            

Sponsor: Kiama Leagues Club

2nd CHERYL HOWLETT - Please                                              

Sponsor: Kiama Municipal Council

3rd RENATE FISCHER - Adrift                                      

Sponsor: Illawarra Financial Group

Landscape and Seascape      

1st KEN TUCKER - Headland Hues                  

Sponsor: Bombo Curtains and Blinds

2nd NEVILLE CONNOR - Cloud Shadow Along The Parramatta         

Sponsor: Fern Street Gallery

3rd HELGA KELLY - Erosion Georges River                   

Sponsor: Framed By Us

Kiama Local Area                  

Sponsor: Kiama Municipal Council

1st EVELYNE SMITH - Dalmeny Circa 1895                 

2nd JOHN DOWNTON OAM - Mood of Nature

3rd KEN TUCKER - Boneyard

Ken Tucker receiving his award from Kiama Council's CEO Jane Stroud, with Helen Pain (right), the Society's President


1st ADRIENNE CONWAY - Portholes                           

Sponsor: Raine and Horne Kiama

2nd JUDI GOODWIN - Flowing Chiffon           

Sponsor: Kerry’s Klothes Kiama

3rd HELEN PAIN - Perpetual Motion               

Sponsor: Alexander Art Supplies

Still Life                                  

1st SANDRA GRAY - Zapped                            

Sponsor: Burnett’s on Barney

2nd HELEN PAIN - Lilies in Pink                                   

Sponsor: Kiama Health Destination Pharmacy

3rd JANN PARKES - Resilience                        

Sponsor: Levers Art Supplies

Figurative /Portrait              

1st ANKE BETHKE - See Ya!                                         

Sponsor: Kiama Furniture One

2nd JANETTA LYON - G’lah Morning to You                

Sponsor: Art House Direct, Nowra

3rd GERALDINE TAYLOR - Golden Threads                 

Sponsor: CAAA Commercial Associates


1st HEIDI UHLIG - End Of Summer                  

Sponsor: Big 4 Easts Beach Holiday Park

2nd ADRIENNE CONWAY - Citiscape                          

Sponsor: Kiama Air Conditioning

3rd EVA ILLYES - Evening In Paris

Sponsor: Monique Field Real Estate              

Heather Netherclift Award                          

Outstanding Contribution to KAS

Andrea Badi

The hard working Kiama Art Society committee