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Kiama Show on this weekend

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Cathy Law

17 January 2022, 3:18 AM

Kiama Show on this weekendThe Cupie Doll section is always hotly contested

The Kiama Show Secretary is calling on everyone to make sure they get their Pavilion entries in on time for this weekend’s 174th Show, which is being held on Friday 21 January through to Saturday 22 January.

“We don’t want anyone who has spent time making an exhibit to miss out this year just because they forgot the entry deadlines,” says Jen Hampshire.

“You can email your form to [email protected] or drop them into The Pavilion before the deadline. And for all the horse riders planning on attending the Show, your entries can be completed at the Showground.”

Pavilion Entry Forms, available at or in the current issue of The Bugle, are due in by 5pm tomorrow, Tuesday 18 January.

"There are over 2000 classes to chose from, so everyone has the chance to show off their achievements in the garden, kitchen, studio or craft room," says Jen.

Once entered, the delivery times for exhibits is staggered to the following time slots:

Thursday 20th January

  • 8am-10am - Spinning, Weaving & Felting 
  • 8am – 11am - Vegetables, Cookery, Needlecraft, Handcraft, Sewing and Embroidery, Porcelain Painting, Ceramics and Pottery, Art, Woodcraft, Pot Plants and Cacti, Homebrew and Photography Exhibits

Friday 21st January

  • By 8am - Cut Flowers, Roses, Dahlias and Decorative Exhibits

"Exhibitors are reminded to follow the instructions of Pavilion Stewards when delivering their exhibits, as access to The Pavilion will be limited during set up," says Jen.

The Show Jumping starts at 9am on the Friday, with the Pavilion opening at 11am. Kiama Showgrounds, Bong Bong St.