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Our council needs a cooperative spirit

The Bugle App

03 September 2024, 11:45 PM

Our council needs a cooperative spirit

Dear Editor,


As a concerned citizen of Kiama, I feel compelled to express my disappointment with the recent rhetoric used by Yasmin Tatrai during her campaign for the upcoming council elections. At a time when our community is striving to recover from three years of conflict and negativity, it has never been more important for our elected councillors to see themselves as part of a cohesive team. Unfortunately, Yasmin’s comments stand out as the only ones in this campaign that have specifically targeted other candidates in a negative manner.

Our council desperately needs a cooperative spirit, one that fosters collaboration and mutual respect. The last thing we want is for personal attacks, based on misinformation; to undermine the unity we need before the new council has even met for the first time. Is Yasmin implying that she will refuse to work with an elected Green? This kind of divisive rhetoric does nothing to serve the interests of our community.

Furthermore, many of Yasmin’s comments simply do not make sense. She talks about eliminating "red tape" without providing any concrete examples of what regulations she considers unnecessary. Her statement about introducing a policy to "cut two regulations for every new one proposed" is not only impractical but also meaningless. It’s a slogan, not a serious policy proposal.

Furthermore, while standing as independents, Tatrai and her team have been transparent about their political leanings. In her own words, "I want to be up-front and transparent about our political beliefs. Whilst we are all members of the Liberal Party, we are not running an official Liberal Party ticket so we can respond to local issues, but we want to be up-front about the values we represent." It’s essential for voters to understand this context when considering their choices.

Yasmin also claims that the Greens "will always support more bureaucracy, more red and green tape, and make it harder for small business to work with Kiama Council." This is a baseless assertion. What specific regulations or policies is she referring to? Where is the evidence to support these claims?

She goes on to state that "a vote for the Greens is a vote for higher rates, more budget chaos, and support for offshore wind farms." Again, this is misinformation. The Kiama Greens have never advocated for higher rates in their 30-year history, and the budget issues the council has faced are not the result of Green policies. Offshore wind farms are not even within the purview of local government.

It’s essential that our councillors focus on the real issues facing Kiama and work together to find practical solutions. We need leaders who will collaborate, not divide, who will base their decisions on facts, not fear. Let’s ensure that our council is led by individuals who prioritise the needs of our community over political point-scoring. 

Warm regards,

A concerned citizen