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Pedestrian crossings safe?

The Bugle App

Local Contributor

20 May 2024, 4:11 AM

Pedestrian crossings safe?

My wife was struck by a car on the pedestrian crossing in the town centre of Gerringong on Tuesday at 1.08 pm. Police and ambulance attended and she was conveyed to Wollongong Hospital. I have since examined the accident site and note that the crossing is poorly signed with current signs faded and road markings especially from the south obscured.

The sign on the west side of the road outside the Co- operative is obscured by trees from the south. Fortunately my wife is recovering after surgery, but I am concerned for others . This needs immediate attention. Traffic speed reduction needs some further systems in Fern Street, such as chicanes, ripple strips for further added speed mitigation.

thank you Phillip Trick

Ed note; Having been hit nearly a year ago by a triton ute (sun in his eyes) crossing the road sympathies are with your wife. We wish her a speedy recovery and will look into this as I'm sure other bodies will do when they read this.