Cathy Law
28 June 2021, 4:58 AM
At an extraordinary meeting tonight, Kiama Council is to consider two planning proposals, at different stages of progress through the rezoning process.
Staff have recommended that Council support the Planning Proposal for 5 Sims Road, Gerringong, proceeding to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for Gateway Determination (the next step in the planning proposal process) as it satisfies the strategic merit and site specific merit test.
Wes Hindmarsh is addressing the councillors to speak against this proposal, on behalf of an action group of at least 30 people who oppose the rezoning of this land from rural to industrial. A petition of more than 1200 people was forwarded to Kiama Council opposing the rezoning of this land.
While members of the public are not allowed in the Chamber due to COVID restrictions, Mr Hindmarsh is calling for people to join a protest outside the building at 4.45pm to show councillors their opposition to the rezoning as they arrive.
On the matter of the South Kiama Planning Proposal, which has already been granted Gateway, staff are advising that Council write to the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces to say that the proposal for 450 lots fails to satisfy the Strategic Merit and Site-Specific Merit Tests, andd recommend that the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment issue an amended Gateway Determination to no longer proceed.
Council's budget for 2021/2 will also be adopted at the meeting.