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Snap to it! Kiama-Shellharbour Camera Club Photography Exhibition

The Bugle App

Bellinda Dunn

18 May 2024, 9:13 AM

Snap to it! Kiama-Shellharbour Camera Club Photography Exhibition Opening night guests enjoying the exhibition

A convivial crowd converged on the Old Fire Station in Kiama on the chilly evening of Friday 17 May, for the opening of the 2024 Kiama-Shellharbour Camera Club exhibition.


The exhibition (of 38 photos) features the images of seven local photographers – Troy Williams, Phill Reece, Kevin O’Gorman, Nathan Miller, Rowan Hollingworth, Flavio Spedalieri and current Club President Linda Fury.


Nathan Miller with his stunning photo Galactic Guardian

Ms Fury explained that the event, “showcases the amazing work of some of our talented members, a number of whom are national award winners, and who have all put a great deal of work into their images”. The exhibition features nature studies, landscapes, seascapes, portraits and other subject matters and styles according to the photographers’ creative choices. 

Rowan Hollingworth with his incredible macro works - Lichen Splatter and Figtree Leaf Study

Linda Fury's lovely and vibrant images of Tasmania's Bridestowe Lavender Farm

Kiama Mayor Neil Reilly opened the exhibition enthusiastically, commenting on being, “astounded by the diversity of styles” on display. Also in attendance were Shellharbour Deputy Mayor Kellie Marsh, and Kiama Councillor Mark Croxford, alongside Shellharbour Mayor Chris Homer, who remarked that after the difficulties of the last few years it was, “fabulous to see arts and culture coming back to the fore”. Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward, spoke of the “beautiful vistas” on display and “how blessed we are to live in this part of the world”.  

Chris Homer, exhibitors Flavio Spedalieri and Linda Fury, Neil Reilly, Gareth Ward MP, Kellie Marsh

The Club was grateful to have received a Kiama Council Small Community Event Grant, which helped fund this year’s exhibition. Winners of the Council grants were required to demonstrate how the donation would:

·        Benefit the Municipality of Kiama;

·        Strengthen the Kiama community; and

·        Contribute to Council’s goal of a socially just and inclusive community.


Ms Fury, who has been President of the Club for over seven years (and a member for 15), said of the Club, now in its 60th year, “Our small and friendly club welcomes new members and offers them help and encouragement on their photographic journey”.


Prospective new members can join or view further information via the Club’s webpage.


Membership is $35 a year and includes:

·        A members meeting on the first and third Wednesday of each month;

·        A range of online monthly competitions – which are either open or themed. Recent themes have included ‘Minimalism’ and ‘Food and Drink’; and

·        group support and encouragement.

The exhibition runs daily from 9:00am-5:00pm until Wednesday 22 May, at the Old Fire Station Kiama.